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Camo Pots w/Mj-Mama

Discussion in 'Outdoor Grow Journals' started by mjmama25, Feb 17, 2012.

  1. #1 mjmama25, Feb 17, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 17, 2012
    Hi, I'm MjMama and I LOVE growing marijuana outdoors here in beautiful Northern California. I'll be growing in-ground in a raised flower bed as well as in camo pots (a product I'm very loyal to). Camo pots are a type of aeration container that allows more air flow to the roots of the plant, stimulating more root growth--therefore producing healthier plants and bigger buds. These containers also help avoid root rot and root bound plants because of the air trimming of the roots that happens naturally as they grow to the edge of the container.

    This season I'll be using masters pride soil. For nutrients I'll be sticking with the Fox Farms line again. Grow Big for veg and Tiger Bloom for flower. I'll also use molasses every other watering throughout the entire grow.

    I'm starting the season by putting out 3 clones I've been vegging under a T5 over the winter. 1 Purple Urkle ,1 Green Crack, and 1 unknown strain. Because of the short days right now they should flower just like they would in the fall and finish by late April/early May when I will put out more clones that i have vegging. This way I can get two full outdoor harvests in one year. I've done this the past two years.

    If you've made it this far, thanks for reading and enjoy the journal. I update often and post lots of pics so stay tuned. These are the first pics of this years garden.

    Attached Files:

  2. Hi your work....been waiting for this!

    on board, looking forward to seeing your green fingers in action :D

    All the best

  3. #3 mjmama25, Feb 17, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2012
    Thanks! I'm really looking forward to this season myself. :)
  4. subbed it uuup! dont forget the rattle cans on the fence! :)

  5. wooo time for another hell of a grow! way to get out there early! :)
  6. I'm sitting here baked off my ass trying to think of something clever to say but I'm to damn high so I'll just sit down over there and chill. Oh nice girls btw. Just got a txt from my buddy that he has a urkle clone for me. One of my personal faves. In fact that's what I'm enjoying right meow.

    Attached Files:

  7. Wohoo. Good luck this season mjm!:hello::hello:
  8. #8 mjmama25, Feb 17, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2012
    It was my top priority to get a good start to this season. It got really cold last night so I wrapped blankets around the plants. The tomato cages work perfectly to drape them over. I'm about to go unwrap them now that the suns coming up.
  9. #9 mjmama25, Feb 17, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2012
    LOL I'm not always clever either. Just glad to have your company for the grow. The only problem with growing urkle is the yield. It grows SO slow!
  10. [quote name='"fairmasterOz"']Wohoo. Good luck this season mjm!:hello::hello:[/quote]

    Thanks! I'm thrilled to be getting started.
  11. #11 mjmama25, Feb 17, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 17, 2012
    Here's a few pics of how I had the plants covered last night. Tomorrow should be the last night of weather in the 30's for a while.

    Attached Files:

  12. Hi MJM.... good to see another of your seasons launched.. thanks for sharing with us. Those ladies are lookin' mighty fine. :wave:
  13. Hey mjmama, I saw this and definitely had to subscribe after following your grow last year. Best of luck to you this year. Stay high :)
  14. Thanks guys! I'll try to make it an exciting journal for you. I can't get the iPhone app to post pics again. I was going to post some pics of the tree we're cutting down to give more light to the garden. This tree is huge. It towers over my 3 story house.
  15. This is the pic I wanted to show you guys. This tree blocks a ton of light to my garden, so the hubby and I have been cutting it down. No lifts or chainsaws. Just good old fashioned labor, lol. He climbs up, cuts limbs, then I trim them and put them in the waste bin. It's hard work but it will be SO worth it to get more light to my ladies. It's hard to see him all the way up there. He looks like a speck!

    Attached Files:

  16. that's hardcore.
  17. Ahh awesome :)!
    Off to a great start , can't wait to see all these grows while I'm freezing my ass off through winter down here .
    Wish you all the best
  18. yikes that looks scary.... but I agree; risking the husband in favor of additional sunlight is an easy decision. lol j/k mjm, you tell Mr. to be extra careful, looks crazy up there.

    thanks again for letting us tag along with your garden mjm :hello:
  19. Holy shit mama. Your old man is a fucking spider monkey. kewl.
  20. #20 mjmama25, Feb 21, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2012
    I know! He's crazy the way he climbs. I've seem his shimmy up a FAT redwood faster than a cat. I'm not sure how the hell he does it.

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