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Anxiety disorder from weed please give me your input

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by mrbrosefsky, Sep 17, 2013.

  1. hi, im sorry if this was posted already but i cant find something on this issue.
    Basically me and a friend of mine were smoking a joint, i only got to take about 2 - 4 hits from it because after that i accidentally drop it out of my friends window =P. During this time i got this feeling of uneasiness, (anxiety i guess), but the point is that i was getting this feeling of uneasiness with nothing being on my mind to cause it. It's been a week about now and i seem to get anxiety in situations where i didnt get it before, heart palpitations, but it doesnt go into a panic attack, pains in the chest by my heart, and i think i get more worried in situations now than the amount of worry the situation actually calls for. I'm starting to think i may have somehow developed generalized anxiety disorder since i have some of the symptoms. I'm going for an evaluation by a psychiatrist tomorrow.
    my question is....
    1) if a person doesn't have a predisposition to an anxiety disorder, can weed still give you an anxiety disorder somehow?
    2) is this permanent?
    3)has anyone else experienced anything like this?
    thank you so much for taking your time to read and answer, but please only answer if you know what you're writing is absolute fact.

  2. just looking for some peace of mind
  3. Weed can exacerbate anxiety in those who have it. I went YEARS with severe social anxiety without even acknowledging it. I just thought I was shy and introverted, so I accepted that, being too stupid to realize that the fact that I was extremely sad all the time about my lack of friends meant that I should probably go out and make some.
    For about a year after I started smoking it made my anxiety worse and worse when I was sober, and I'd smoke to get rid of it, it was a vicious cycle. I was becoming dependent.
    Then all of a sudden a major change in my life occured. Stopped smoking a bit, focused on me, so much about myself changed, my confidence went through the roof, I no longer experienced much anxiety in any situations, ever, and when I did it was extremely minor. I went back to smoking, and found that my highs were 100x better, there were no negative side effects when I was sober outside that usual haze, etc. etc.
    I guess what I'm trying to say is, weed will treat you as well as you treat yourself. You need to really be comfortable with who you are and happy with your life to love weed for what it really is IMO.
  4. thanks for your input, it gives me some things to think about
  5. too much thc in a high potentcy strain can cause anxiety. sativas are mostly higher thc than indices. used to happen to me a lot when I first started smoking. so i learned to take smaller hits or smoke weaker weed. then eventually over the course of a few months i eased it to to be able to smoke blunt after blunt without being the least bit paranoid and only be high for 10 minutes before wanting to smoke again. and thats blunt after blunt after blunt in a day...
  6. Also atmosphere played a big part! I eased it in by smoking at night while im alone with enjoyable music so I can go into a deep tranquil state of mind. try smoking alone with music in your earphones with the lights off in your bed so you can get used to enjoying weed without the sensual stimulation.
  7. #7 mrbrosefsky, Sep 17, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 17, 2013
    my issue is a bit different though, i dont have any family history of anxiety issues. I have ocd, but im the only one in my family, mild case and i was always able to control it. ive been smoking for a few years, during the summer it becomes a daily thing, sometimes more than once a day, and i have never felt this before, i havent smoked already for over a week, and these symptoms are still persisting, its not just while i smoke, but i will try what you wrote, thanks for the input
  8. Over smoking leads to paranoid and anxious feelings.
    Just consume less until you can handle it.
    The atmosphere makes a big difference.
    you might be able to smoke 3 grams to the face at home and be fine.
    But that in public takes some experience.

    You'll be fine OP.
  9. 1.) Like the others have said, Cannabis can magnify internal problems that you're undergoing but there are a couple of solutions on how you can avoid and have a overall better quality high. 
    2.) It's not permanent because the high of Cannabis is temporary, not long term. 
    3.) Yeah I used to get paranoid and very anxious but I realized is that I was over-worrying about the judgement that I was going to receive from others that don't condone. This is how I solved it too and follow through:
    Vitamin B
    When your body is going through stress it depletes stores of B and C vitamins rapidly. The B vitamins are necessary to help maintain the proper functioning of the nervous system. Deficiencies in Vitamin B can lead to anxiety, irritability, restlessness, fatigue, etc. There is more than one kind of Vitamin B. (B[SUB]2[/SUB], B[SUB]6[/SUB], B[SUB]5[/SUB], B[SUB]12[/SUB], etc.) It is best to take all eleven of the B vitamins together in a B-complex supplement since they tend to work together synergistically. 
    Vitamin C
    Vitamin C enhances the immune system and promotes health from infection, disease, and injury as well as helps the adrenal glands. Your adrenal glands (when properly functioning) help you cope with stress. (Vitamin B[SUB]5[/SUB] also helps with the adrenal glands and many people find that taking it is helpful in dealing with excess stress)
    So what and how much to take?
    • B-Complex: 50 to 100 mg of all eleven B vitamins once a day (twice a day under high stress)
    • Vitamin C: 1000 mg in a time release form, twice a day (double this dose under high stress)
    Make sure you take them with meals so they can be broken down properly otherwise its useless. 
    You cannot overdose on B Vitamins as they are water soluble. The one exception to this is Vitamin B[SUB]6[/SUB]. DO NOT exceed 100 mg per day if you are taking it on a long term basis. 
    - Exercise
    - Meditation (taking deep repetitive breaths can lower the pulse rate)
    - Water
    - Comfortable setting where authority figure weren't around
    Hope everything works out for you. 
  10. I don't think you should smoke any more weed.
  11. I know exactly what you mean man. I have been smoking multiple times a day for years and I have ran into the exact same thing a while back. I am currently on 50 mg of Zolaft which really helps with anxiety on the times where you are not smoking. How it works (as told by my prescribing doctor) is whenever there is down time from smoking the anxiety will start to increase until smoking again, that is why in the morning it would be worst for me cause i just took 12 hours of so the anxiety starts actin up. ITS ALL NORMAL MAN. I really recommend the Zolaft. Peace
  12. This is very true i have a similar experience. You can only make the choice to make the change, but once you do it is awesome
  13. Cannabis is not for everyone. Just because there is a movement in America for legalization, does not mean you have to feel the peer pressure and try it out. If it doesn't work for you, then simply do not smoke it!
  14. #14 mrbrosefsky, Sep 17, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 18, 2013
    thanks everyone
    this anxiety, is it a chemical imbalance caused by smoking a lot, or is it that i had a predisposition to this anxiety issue already and weed triggered it?
    I'd say it's a predisposition. I've never seen someone have an anxiety attack from weed that wasn't already subject to some degree of anxiety, no matter how much they deny it. Many people don't realize they have anxiety because they've lived with it so long.
    It took me months and months to figure out the root of the anxiety I got from smoking, but I kept smoking through it cause the different perspective let me really see that I was in fact an anxious person when I was sober and it let me slowly but surely figure out the reasons why so I could fix them.
  16. I've recently stopped smoking weed in this past week. During my highs in the recent months or so, I've been more reserved and antisocial. I'd feel anything I said was completely idiotic and everyone in the room was judging me, even if it was my closest friends. It eventually carried over into my sober life and It was as if I devolved social anxiety. I've always been outgoing, comedic, and talkative to everyone, so this feeling was unusual and I hated it. I daily smoked for a little over a year, and only in this past month or so I haven't been enjoying my highs and getting SA. I haven't smoked in 3 days and I've already seen a big difference. My question is, has anyone else experienced this, and will I ever be able to enjoy my old, awesome highs again? Thanks

  17. #17 suplove, Sep 20, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 20, 2013
    you are using too much thc at one time, more than your body can handle
    yeah you might want to stop. what calms other people might not do the same for you
  18. #18 vegblaze, Sep 21, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 21, 2013
    It is possible to like some aspects of weed but dislike other aspects of it.
    I don't like how my heart beat feels when high.*  And I have to avoid smoking when I'm anxious. Other than that, I like how it feels..
    *Deep breathing seems to help. Or having some alcohol. 
  19. That sounds like a huge waste of time and herb.  All you have done is built up a huge tolerance and being so use to being totally baked all the time you only notice the high for a short period.
  20. Just chill the fuck out yolo!

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