What does absolute reality really looks like?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by PeruvianDank, Oct 22, 2011.

  1. #1 PeruvianDank, Oct 22, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 22, 2011
    Can anyone imagine what absolute reality might look like?

    If its true that what we perceive is due to our senses, then we can say that reality is relative because other animals or humans (color blind) perceive the world different from most of us, and that's their reality but not ours.

    Let me explain a little more. You guys ever heard about how a dog sees the world? They see it different from us, and a snake sees the world in different colors too because their senses are different. Its all about the senses, they control what you perceive and the data they feed your brain is what makes up your relative reality.

    Check out how some animals perceive their world:

    How Do they See? Views Through the Eyes of 7 Animals | WebEcoist

    Now take into account that atoms are made up of 99.999... (infinite nines) empty space, but because they move so fast, they seem to be everywhere. So whenever you look at something, its 99.999... empty space. But our mind trick us to believe that everything we see is 100% existent. It gives the impression that we are in a 3D environment. If I look at a white wall, what I see is totally existent but that is not the case because atoms are 99% empty space but they just move so fast, they seem to cover a lot.

    Now take small curiosities, like the brain of the dragonfly. The brain of that insect processes sense data so fast that most movements it perceives is in slow motion!

    Do you guys get where I'm getting at? Sorry if some of you are confused, I'm high and I'm not sure if I'm making any sense. Plus I'm so mind blown right now...
  2. #2 m00zix, Oct 22, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 22, 2011
    Well if we could perceive absolute reality we would have a shitload more senses than the 7 we do have!

    I just read the 99% bit. Now you're talking about perception on a smaller level. I thought you were talking about being able to see other dimensions, other forms of light we can't see with the naked eye, etc all at once. In order to observe something on both a smaller AND larger level at the same time seems impossible. It's like having one far sighted eye and one near sighted eye lmao

    Did you know all atoms are not actually touching? If they were they would explode.

  3. Lmao, yeah that shit's pretty mind-blowing bro, great thoughts! :smoke:
  4. Waves of possibility.
  5. everything, yet nothing, nothing yet everything, black yet white, tall yet small, large yet minuscule, thin yet thick
  6. Sounds absolutely terrible, like double vision... FOREVER :eek:
  7. like liquid light in every color washing over you

    you feel it as much as you see it

    it encompasses all your senses
    and binds them together in ways strange to what you are accustomed
  8. hmmmmm........
  9. Man no wonder pigeons look at me weird.
  10. Guys, what I find even more disturbing is the question of what exists outside the universe. Maybe this question is a self negative (what exists outside of existence?); I don't know...

    But more mindfucking, is the many-universes interpretation in quantum mechanics. This says that an infinite number of universes exist where anything is possible. Wait...what?! So that means in one universe, Adolf Hitler was accepted to the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and didn’t became a megalomaniac dictator that started a global war that killed off 70 million people? And that the US and Soviet Union destroyed the world in a nuclear war during the Cold War? And that Megan Fox is going to come knocking at your door asking for your help because her car broke down in front of your house, and then you will proceed to have wild sex?

    Yes, the possibilities are endless according to this interpretation. Lucky that me that lives in the universe where Megan Fox will come and knock at my house.
  11. ^Yeah I'm not sure about every universe theory...

    I have read into it quite a bit but it is too unreal to me.

  12. Trust me, all of quantum mechanics seems unreal. The degree of complexity is so enormous, its almost ridiculous. But its a scientific theory, and like all scientific theories, it can not be proven (only refuted). This makes quantum mechanics likely to be true ;)
  13. God dammit. Thanks a lot OP :mad:. Just when I thought shit was all good, you go and open a whole new can of "What the fuck?". My mind can never rest :(

  14. Its okay to be curious, don't worry. Its better actually, you become wiser and have a more fulfilling existence. I feel exactly the same. It is the fundamental problem of any freethinker: ours minds are never in peace. It gets to a point where normal things that normal people care about don't matter to us anymore. But being a freethinker is also an empowering feeling. Freethinkers are in a way, the dreamers of dreams.
  15. A vast nothingness that is everything.

    Sight is a physical sense, it is part of the created temporary Universe, and thus you wouldn't be able to see Reality.
  16. Temporary as in the universe will crunch, tear, fall apart? Or what?
  17. #17 Deleted member 351711, Oct 23, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2011

    I agree. I just like to jokingly bitch sometimes. Makes me feel normal ha ha......................................Whoa. 'Normal' is a whole new word to me now. I used to see it as "eh", now I see it as "ewwww" ha ha

    Edit: I feel like my head should be exploding, but it just wont explode :(
  18. I was thinking this a while ago

    Hmmm. I see it as the universe is never the same, so every experience is only temporary. Wait. Universe, experience........
  19. In what sense
  20. As in, the universe is one whole. This one whole is filled with many experiences never to be duplicated. So each experience is only temporary. 'Time' never stands still.

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