Reaching Lucidity?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by DreadedDarling, Mar 14, 2011.

  1. I feel that i am getting closer to lucid dreaming, but my mind completely tricked me last night!

    i had multiple dreams, and it seems like after every one of them i awoke. half asleep looking around dazed in my room i realized that i was trying to sleep so i told myself, i am dreaming, i am in a dream, i am aware of my dream as i tried to drift back into sleep mode.

    now here's what i do not understand, i layed in bed just visualizing myself in a predicament that i found entertaing and it felt very real, as things kept going on further and further. Then out of no where, i "wake up" to a girl friend i have not seen in years but she just runs up and jumps on my bed. i do not find this wierd at all but i then open my eyes and realize that the whole time i have been dreaming. I was sooo confused because i sincerely thought that i was laying in bed just imaging these things.

    But all the while in the dream, i never became consciouss. Almost as if i was awake in two different minds but they did not realize that they were being shared.

    Now i have been doing emense research of luccid dreaming and i'm commiting myself to it. but i do not know what type of trick my mind played on me, i'd appreciate some feedback from dreamers : )
  2. What you're saying is interesting man. Are you saying it's as if you think you're just imagining certain situations while in your bed, but you're actually dreaming? I have no doubt that you'll eventually reach lucidity one of these days. Having the desire is the first part. Have you tried doing any reality checks? I feel as if that may help you a lot. Check out an article I wrote about this if you want. Lucid Dreaming is FUCKING Amazing! » HardFluff Peace
  3. what you are having are false awakenings, and are VERY common. a little trick though is to perform a reality check everytime you wake up, and the idea is that when it happens you will realize you are taking part in a false awakening and achieve lucidity

    just the other day i had a false awakening (but was unaware of it :/ ) and as i closed my eyes to go back to sleep i awoke in my real bed.
  4. Exactly it! ahah thanks for the link bro i checked out your site, its reeal helpful :)

  5. ahh i know exactly what your talkin about, i hear that beening aware of these happenings brings you one dream closer to lucidty :rolleyes: . and thanks, i'm going to start reality checking every time i wake up so that it will just become a habbit and i will catch myself dreaming one of these times.
    and good luck to you and your dreamself :smoke:

  6. holy shit, awesome video! Thanks for posting!

    + rep :D
  7. I fucking love it when that happens. But then when I finally do wake I am dissapointed :(
  8. Try keeping a dream journal. Not only will you slowly begin to remember every dream you have, but you will begin to have lucid dreams more and more often.

    Not to mention it's fun to read and relive dreams from months ago. When I write my dreams down I never forget them again, especially if I re-read them.

    As for actual techniques, the easiest are reality checks, where you write something like RC on your hand in real life and check it throughout the day for a good few days. Then in your dreams it will be your habit to check your hand and the RC will likely either not be there, be distorted, or be there but remind you to check to see if you are dreaming.

    You could also try setting your alarm and waking up around 4 or 5 am, then walk around telling yourself you will lucid dream, then go back to sleep with a clear intention in mind of lucid dreaming.

    There is also a technique called WILD, but it is a lot harder. Basically you intentionally guide yourself from a waking state directly into a dream state.
  9. I'm likin the little techniques you have, it seems as if for me the simplest things would be more effective than the outragous attempts at lucidity.
    I'm gonna try 'em out, thaaanks :)
  10. I still have not yet achieved lucid dreaming, but I've had something sort of similar happen to this.

    I remember hearing that once you realize you are dreaming, spinning will keep you asleep. Recently, I was mid-dream, and I realized I was dreaming. I spun around to keep myself asleep, but then immediately fell back into autopilot. :(

    Last night before I fell asleep, I tried the mantra technique. As I fell asleep, I told myself I would have a lucid dream. Once I fell asleep, my dream was vivid, but I wasn't in control of it. I hear writing down your dreams helps immensely, but I didn't have the time to record it before class and immediately forgot it.
  11. I believe you'll get there soon enough :p
    I as well plan to spin when i become conscious because i've heard that in a dream as you do this while saying, when i stop spinning i will be...! and you can be anywhere or anything else.
    Maybe you'd wanna try :)
  12. I find that the best technique for staying in a lucid dream is to not focus on the fact that you are dreaming, but to immerse yourself in the dream world and to start doing anything, knowing that you are dreaming but not thinking about it too much, or else you may make yourself wake up.

    For instance last night I stayed in a lucid dream I had longer than I have before, just because I immersed myself in it, I started doing things, jumping high into the air, feeling the grass, touching the trees, exploring the dream world (by the way I find in my dreams that every sense is more perfect than reality, everything feels so real but more perfect than real).

    Spinning would probably work too, they are all just things that keep you in the dream by making sure you are not focused on thinking "Whoaaaa! I'm dreaming and I'm awake in my dream!" over and over again. It's best to remain calm and just have fun.

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