Ladies what makes a guy creepy?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by Jammin Greenz, Jul 16, 2013.

  1. I always hear women saying some guy is creeping on them, or some guy is giving off creppy vibes. What exactly do you find creepy when a guy is trying to court you or holla at you? lol

  2. If you don't fit their standards, but you show interest, you're creepy.
  3. Damn so that makes it sound like every dude that tries to talk to a girl is a creep lol, damned if you do, damned if you don't
  4. Personally I think it's creepy when a guy is talking to me and he's just looking at my body and not my face, or when I see a guy just staring at me. Or if I'm texting a guy and he's just coming on waaay too strong and/or trying too hard, that doesn't make me want to talk to you. I try to give every guy a chance at least though.
  5. that one guy on here that goes to law school.. yummybud or somethin like that..
    look up his posts..
    then you will understand fuckin creepy
  6. #6 Yummybud20, Jul 16, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2013
    oh common wtf lol. I don't think i'm creepy. 
    but yeah i've heard girls refer to guys as creepy, and a lot of times I think it's just the guys' looks.  If she doesn't think you are good looking and you look at her, talk to her etc, she'll think you want her and she now thinks you are creepy lol. 
    if on the other hand you are a good looking guy it's much harder to be "creepy" you'd have to stalk a girl or something totally crazy to be labelled creepy.
  7. Hahaha ^^^^^
  8. #8 TinManThaBoyBoy, Jul 16, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2013
    you the one that goes to law school..and youre always makin threads about girls and shit?
    edit: nvm.. just looked at your started topics :laughing: definitely you.. bro... youre a bit creepy ..
    its all good tho..
    OP take notes
  9. haha why am I creepy?? I don't get it. maybe that's why my friend has stopped talking to me?? lol.  whatever.
  10. probably man..
    haha i really meant no hate by it jo.. but your shit on here definitely gives off the 'creepy' vibe a lot of the time
  11. When he gets caught sniffing her dirty nickers  :eek:
  12. #12 Yummybud20, Jul 16, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2013
    really?  I don't think i'm creepy but whatever lol. to me creepy is like a stalker.
    how do i stop being "creepy" if I am creepy lol. 
  13. #13 shaddytheman, Jul 16, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2013
    I don't associate with people of gender that have a prejudice mindset before getting to know the person, it's maybe because I don't take things at face-value and immediately judge them. Why are you paying attention to shallow bitches that aren't depth, find the ones that are the exact opposite and you won't be stressing over it. 
  14. Now this is a thread I can really relate too.
    I'm a creep. So if you do what I do you should probably stop. I stare and ogle women at work. I do it too the same girls for months/years at a time. I haven't spoken a word to these girls the entire time either. They are aware I do it they see me doing it all the time.
    I did apologize to one a couple of weeks ago. She doesn't work their anymore so i figured it was a good opportunity to apologize. So i wouldn't recommend staring at girls. I can do it and get away with it because their not going to have sex with me anyway. So i'm not losing anything by acting the way i do. You have a shot with them so don't deliberately fuck it up like i do.
    Another thing they hate in my experience is quietness, Shyness. They want you to be arrogant and run you're mouth ect.
    Weird mannerisms. People in general hate this. If you have weird mannerism you should be locked up in the nuthouse according to most people.
    Not being ''cool''  they want someone cool it makes them wet.
    I'm getting carried away here and getting way of topic for the most part. My point is just blend in and do what everyone else is doing and you'll be fine.
  15. damn bro, youre bein creepy as fuck right now..
    haha okay I give up, guess i'm just a creep??? 
  18. :laughing: I'm just fuckin with you Jo..
  19. #19 harry huge ego, Jul 16, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2013
    Don't walk up to them and ask where is the nearest kids playground...that would be creepy if you had no kid with you
  20. #20 Yummybud20, Jul 16, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2013
    also don't look or stare at girls like this..... i'm joking but also serious.  If you are talking about sex, or coming on too strong, etc with a girl you just met or don't know well or if you are making her uncomfortable and don't get the hint to leave her alone, then she probably thinks you are creepy.
    if you aren't doing anything and she just assumes you want her when you are just making conversation, or if she thinks you "look creepy" then fuckit imo. people are weird. 
    girls are also weird, they love calling guys creepy for no good reason, and telling people that guys are obsessed with them, it's just to boost their ego and brag about how they are so awesome that these guys won't leave her alone and she doesn't want them cus she's too good for them.

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