I don't get why it's "bad" to call fat people fat.

Discussion in 'General' started by Dalton!, Jan 9, 2011.

  1. Maybe I'm being insensitive but i really do not understand it, they know they're fat, I know they're fat, so does everyone else, why do they get so damn offended if anyone says anything about it?

    Everyone has imperfections, I don't get "hurt" if someone points out mine, there's nothing I can do to fix them, it's just me.

    Also things that bother me: When overweight people try to say I'm a bad person for smoking cigarettes cause they are unhealthy. I always just want to tell them they can't talk shit because they are clearly living an unhealthy lifestyle aswell, but I don't
  2. hypocrisy is the american way of life
  3. The ones who have handicap stickers forfit any and all rights to be treated with respect
  4. It's because many people like to ignore reality.
  5. Same reason you don't go up to a retarded person and say "You're retarded!" They know they are retarded, we know they are retarded, I don't think it needs to be pointed out any further. It's just a common courtesy.
  6. If they are so sensitive about it maybe they should lay off the big macs:confused_2:

    Yeah but a mentally handicapped person cant help his situation. An overweight person has alot of option to help their situation. It just takes a little bit of willpower
  7. its because we like to think all people are the same and its their personality that should be rewarded.

  8. Wrong. That person did not choose to be retarded. Some fat boy or girl can go run, eat healthier, eat meals cooked at home, exercise, and do a number of other things to lose weight. The fact of the matter is, the retarded person cannot fix their status, whereas the fat loser is too lazy to, and is content with appearing like a troll in public.

    I do not flinch when I say fat in public, because it is indeed a sad state of human being which unfortunately is becoming more dominant. End obesity!
  9. fucking barf. This thread is shit, grow up dude.
  10. Probably because it isn't exactly meant as something nice when most people say it

    I grew up a fat kid thru elementary, middle, and beginning of high school.

    People ARE dicks and will call you out on everything. You could be eating baby carrotts and cocksuckers will look at you and be like oh look at what fatass brought to lunch etc. Thankfully it didn't happen to me a lot because i wasn't obese like a lotta kids i saw heh

    thats just an example. lol. But yeah its more common in America, with all that bullying and bullshit in the schools and stuff. I guess it just comes down to manners, rudeness, etc.

    In reality human beings are judgmental creatures and it won't ever change. Shit, im still not skinny but i will look at a 250+ pound person and think "seriously, how do u get that way"

    Of course the difference is, i keep my opinion to myself instead of being a big douchebag. If call a friend fat, then lose your arm, would you want your friend calling you one-armed stub man all the time? i dunno where im goin with this :cool:
  11. This. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person who views obesity as a health epidemic. Honestly I think we are becoming to accepting of obesity. It isn't a "part of you" that helps define who you are, it is a medical condition that has serious health risks, and is completely avoidable.
    How am I being immature exactly, It's not like I dont like overweight people, they can still be fine people.
  12. If were talking about an obese kid, I generally feel sad that they have bad parents. Sometimes it's that, their parent feeds them unhealthy foods, or doesn't teach them how to eat right.

    Other times it's their metabolism. My best friends fat, not because he's unhealthy, but he just has a real slow metabolism.

    Other times it is their fault and should be made fun of.
  13. I don't consider people's weight when meeting someone. I mean, if I was going to date someone I couldn't date an overweight person because I am in goooood shape and it just wouldn't fly. Sure it is obvious and I feel sad that they are overweight because it truly must be difficult.

    It's a touchy subject, but honestly it is not hard to eat right, in a manner that is conducive to good health. I've tried asking my overweight friends to come work out with me at the gym, but I find they take it as a personal attack, like a 'take the hint' sort of deal, when all I want is to help them feel comfortable about themselves. So ultimately, the person has to want to change themselves. When I see an obese person at the gym, running or lifting, I don't think "Oh why's he/she here he/she has no chance" - I think that it's uplifting to see. Sadly, there are people who go to the gym for the wrong reasons (aka not to focus on and better themselves but to try and show off and compare, resulting in a tension-filled atmosphere which drives a lot of people away from working out in a public facility).

    When I see a fat person, I won't give a shit or say anything, unless they're acting incredibly stupid and deserving of a little reminder. They know they're fat but until they decide to try and change themselves they're going to have to endure the criticisms of society, even though the whole system is a clusterfuck of inequality which makes it increasingly difficult to locate the actual root of the problem.

  14. I like this. Though I won't lie, I hate all forms of obesity, some people do have a bigger body shape. Some kids can't control what their parents feed them and end up with the same, bad eating habits as their troll parents. Its just the grotesquely fat people I can't handle, the ones with huge saggy fupas and three chins that goes and eats fatty garbage because thats what their sad life consists of.

  15. I was following you right up until the arm part.
  16. Different cultures warrant different responses.

    In mexican cultures, its quite common to call out to someone by their most distingusihing feature, so we call alot of people gordos or whatever.

    In american culture, this is seen as disrespectful for some reason or another. Like if I didnt point it out you wouldn't be 200 lbs overweight :rolleyes:
  17. lol i meant if you fell into a situation worse than being fat, fat kid could point it out to you and make you feel like shit too. so just keep it to yourself lol
  18. If I was fat I wouldn't take offense to it. I call you how I see you, and quite frankly just don't give a fuck.
  19. You're questioning why someone gets offended by name calling.. I really don't think I'm being out of line by telling you to grow up. Its common sense dude, It's offensive to call someone a name.

  20. So the word "fat" is a derogatory term? Is it a derogatory status then, as well? If they have a problem with being called fat, then they have a problem with their own image.

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