Did i abandon my family?

Discussion in 'General' started by Smoke_D_J, Nov 28, 2009.

  1. so about a month ago i moved out of my dads house to my moms and not under the best cucomstances eather heres the story

    so i bought some pretty choice bud the night before from my pharmacist and took it home and smoked it out my window lol. my room smelled fine thanks to a ionizer that cost me 2 paychecks and some cheap smelly shit. then i picked up my sack my bowl and ate the apple then put it away in my stash tin(a jerky chew tin i have a shit ton of em) and put it away safely.

    next morning i went to church to see my GF and when i got home my dad was outside in the garage doing somthing. i walked up to him and before i could say anythig he said "i found your pot you little bitch" i said just flat out" what are you going to do? " i set my keys on the table and went into the house. i went down to my room to find it tossed like the DEA had been through and most of my modle tanks i made broke in half.

    i started packing my bag and i only had things that i bought with my money and some personal items when he came down to my room. (in the basement its finshed) he started taling in his pissed off deep "man" voice and calling me a bitch and a little pussy. then he grabbed my bag and dumped it on the floor and asked me "what the fuck do you think your doing your not leaving or going any where" i got up from my bed and said "last time you found my pipe you told me that i nolonger had a home with you or angie(step mom)" then he started yelling at me and calling me names.

    after like 5 minutes of him yelling and staring me down he pushed me on to my bed and started poking me in the face and telling me to be a man and telling me i was a pot addict that needs mantal help and stupid things like that. now at this point i wanted to strike him. i knew i shouldnt because a couple months earlyer he did the same to my room and i hit him like 4or five times in the face after he threw a chair across my room. im normally not a violent person for future reference

    so i pushed his hand out of the way and and tried to leave when he tried to push me down again. by now my mind was consumed with how am i not going to kill this man. when we exchanged mor hash word i finally tried to walk out when he blocked the door and said " your not going anywhere and if you do ill call the police " i moved him out of the way and said i was getting a drink. then ran outside to the end of the drive where he followed me and tried to talk me out of leaving. when he said that i would never be a man and that the whole family will be mad at me and stuff like that in my reply and haste i said "fuck you and your family (meaning his new wife) and im more of a man than you are and ever will be" then i said"im going on a walk ill be back in a lil bit"

    i walked down the street and called my aunt when he shut my cell phone off and i lost recepton. after that i started walking. i walked 2 miles through town through a corn field and i assume like 4 or 5 miles down the interstate when a friend of mines parents drove by and saw me and picked me up and drove me the other 30 miles that would have taken me a day and a night of walking or more to my friends house. i now live in des moines with my mom.

    so now hes turned my weed in to the police im on probaton and the rest of his side of the family hates me. did i abandon them? now my dad calls saying that i can get my stuff but when i try to he says that i dont own anything and wont give me my stuff and he wont let me get my money from my job out of our joint account so i can get a new car for school. :(

    i just wanted to tell somone

    sry if its too long or boring but i just needed to tell someone else
  2. No offense but it kind of sounds like you're underage, to be honest.
  3. I wouldn't say you abandoned your dad, and his relatives.
    He clearly over-reacted and treated you like he found out you murdered a child.

    Seriously, In my eyes, Its your fathers fault for clearly over reacting, He obviously isn't educated on pot, so in his mind it must be the worst thing on the planet.

    Also, the 'getting the money from my joint account' thing, What he's doing is against the law I'm sure, I'd look that up.

    And if you bought the items, they are yours. Take them. Don't just let him have your items that you worked for to own.

    Good luck in sorting your situation out man.
  4. That sucks man. really. sounds like some shit you should be talking about with closer people than some peeps on a pot site.

    short answer-, no you didnt ditch your family. so you smoke pot, so what, if something so insignificant can make your dad turn into such a prick, why bother with him?

    long answer- i cant really give that, i dont know you well enough. I dont know your family, or your history. But alot of depends on your feelings toward your dad. mine passed when i was 10, and its effected my life in many ways. So if there is a chance you can work it out with you dad, do it. Some poeple dont change though, and if hes not going to accept you for who you are, then he doesnt, end of story.

    good luck with it though man, i feel for you, i do.
  5. yea thats understandable allow me to clarify. im 18 and a seinor in highschool
  6. I agree, but that doesn't mean we can't send some good vibes.

    Good luck OP, hope everything works out for, the next bowl's for you.
  7. fuck,im so lucky i got busted like 4 times(2 my parents,1 my grandmom,the other one,my other grandmom) it was like 1 week of totally thinking my life was over,but i just decided that all this shit is because the ignorance of thinking weed is bad,so i just started talking with my dad explaining why i do it,and how ignorant he is smoking cigs and not letting me smoke weed(i was 14 lol),so i did it,he then said,well u can smoke,but please dont do it at home,just at partys and stuff,i just dont want u to get busted by the police.

    So everything was chill from there on,i continued smoking more but very cautioned.
  8. no way dude fuck him...sounds like my dad...aint talked to that nicka in months...dont plan on it either...only my dads cool with me smoking i was in trouble for other stupid bullshit not nearly as bad as smoking
  9. IMO you can never abandon anyone as long as you keep your heart and mind open
  10. #10 Beaver&BudHead, Nov 28, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 28, 2009
    To answer your first question, no, you did not "abandon" your family. The other thing I want to say after reading your post is - your dad sounds like a total fucking asshole. Calling you all kinds of names and pushing you around or hitting you is totally over the line. In fact, if he wants to press the marijuana issue with law enforcement, you can get the fucker arrested for assault after what he did.

    My family situation when I was your age was not good either so this kind of thing hits a nerve with me. My dad was also, unfortunately, an asshole.

    You're going to have to grow up faster than some of your friends because, clearly, you don't have the kind of family that is going to make it easy on you. In my humble opinion, the best thing you could do for yourself, your dad, and your relationship with your dad is to avoid him completely. For a long time. Like a couple of years, at least. If you absolutely cannot avoid having contact with him, make it strictly limited, like fifteen minutes per visit and do it in a public place, like a food court at the local mall or something like that. You need to establish that YOU are the one in control of the relationship and in control of yourself. If you go back to his (formerly your) house, he'll feel comfortable with his big tough guy routine and keep treating you like his little bitch. That's not good at all for your self esteem and is not constructive in any way. Don't let him laugh things off or ridicule you or guilt you into doing what he wants and pretending like things are going to be like before. That shit is over. Time to move on.

    Be patient. Things will get better. Life is bigger and better than the shit you're dealing with right now. Concentrate on things that help your independence like getting a job and/or going to school.

    I might have more comments later but I wanted to get this much out to you. Good luck.
  11. for the deal on the police, just say it's not yours, how can they prove that it is yours, say it was your fathers and you were in an argument and he just wanted to fuck your life up, its your word against his. there is no evidence. he had the weed, not you.
  12. #12 ganja bus, Nov 28, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 28, 2009
    Sounds like my mum when i was younger (not implying your underage) exept she didnt mind if i smoked herb we mostly argued about silly things from the past. My advice is tell your dad to fuck himself him the nicest way possible, start your own bank account and ask the police if hes doing anything wrong withholding YOUR money and things (if you brought them).

    Also i cant remember if you said he hit you or anything but if he didnt make a statement to the police and see how he likes it when they come knocking on his door. My mum was violent and even if i didnt do the dishes when i was asked it was a punch in the jaw, eventualy i got sick of it and charged her (not like im going to hit my own mother).

    Sorry if this doesnt help but its basicly what i did.
  13. Don't do this, try to stay in the right and he won't have shit on you.
  14. what are you, 14?
  15. Careful, I asked a similar question and got hated on. And I'm talking THREE POINTS hated on. Dangerous territory this is.


  16. i don't know what you mean by "three points hated on"
  17. Looking for somebody your own age?

  18. this sounds like something a 14 year old would say.

  19. ...to a 14 year old.
  20. i was 14 when the cowboys won their last superbowl

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