can you date a girl taller than you?

Discussion in 'General' started by ytfghmjb, Sep 10, 2009.

  1. i dont know if its just me and my ego problems, but how do you guys feel about dating a girl thats taller than you? and for women, vice versa. can you date a dude shorter than you?

    i cant do it because it makes me feel like she's the bigger person in the relationship and it makes me feel like less of a man. and i'm a pretty small guy (5'8) so it kinda erks me.. i dont mind just hooking up with a taller chick but i can't do it in a relationship
  2. No problem for me, I probably wouldnt if it was too excessive though, not a power thing. It just looks wierd if its way to big a difference.
  3. im 6' 2" so it would be kinda wierd dating a girl taller than me
  4. No, i think 6'4 is a little to tall for my girl, they tend to look rather freakish at that height
  5. if she was rich, hell yea. if she was average, probably not.
  6. i think im like 6' 4. im a tall mothafucka. ive banged some bitches that were like half the size of me. and of age of coarse. but never been near a girl taller than me.
  7. im 6'3 so that would be one fucked up lookin hoe lol
  8. Damn you guys are all really fucking tall except the OP, Im like 5'9 maybe 6'0 now.
  9. 6th grade stats....
  10. I'm just under six foot five
  11. #11 GTea, Sep 10, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 10, 2009
    Hey man Ill take the whole vollyball team home with me

    My favorite line when I feel like been cheesy "Take me to your ladder lady Ill see your leader later" I usually get a laugh or two from that :p

    But yeah tall short w/e all are good.
  12. Yeah I'm barely 5'8 lol. You guys are tall.

    But no... honestly I wouldn't. I've hooked up with a taller girl before. That was tight.
  13. What the fuck? I'm like 5'8 on a good day. You guys are giants.

    But to answer the question, I'd be down for it. But, how much taller than me are we talking? If it's more than a 4 inch difference, I'm out though.
    I like shorter girls anyway.
    Don't be insecure about your size, man. Sometimes I feel weird when I'm surrounded by 6 foot or taller giants, but the weirdness goes away quickly enough.

  14. Yes the weirdness goes away fast. All my friends are taller then me. You just get used to it I guess.
  15. I wouldn't mind, I'm only like 5'9", but I prefer smaller chicks as I can pick em up :love:
  16. Man I'm 6'1nizzle and if I find a gurl taller than me, I embrace it. More limber for your member!
  17. i dont see why not. as long as shes not butch
  18. I'm 5'7" so 50% of white girls are taller than me. I am going to have to start looking at Asian girls...
  19. I'm dating a girl right now a little taller than me. She's right at 6' even and I'm 5'10" or so. It's not really that noticable, but yeah she is a little taller.

    She's super hot/rich and loves weed as much as I do though, so it's not a problem by me.

    I probably wouldn't want to date anyone taller than that, although there could be exceptions.
  20. my girlfriend is like 5' 11" lol, im 6' 1" so she is like almost as tall as me, everyone seems short to me :eek:

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