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Strange Feeling

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by funkalicious, Sep 10, 2010.

  1. #21 pipethoughts, Sep 10, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 10, 2010
    when ever i feel burnt out i get in a warm shower for a lil bit get some fresh fruit or shit like that some tea or hot chocolate the real shit not that bullshit that comes in powder(depending on tha season), then jus relax, u know listen to some chill jams

    a way you can avoid this "burn out" feeling when your blazed: you get the munchies, eat somewhat smart dont be eating shit cus it makes you feel like shit or down whaterver, an if you had a crazy weekend or jus stayin up to 5 smoked out being reckless, your gonna feel it especaly eating bad munchies, i aint mean to preach or nothing i did that(still kinda do) all the time, like dj slim say "Utilize your high" do some crative shit see why herb is here enjoy your nieghborhood, kick it, an be eazy get high not fucked up :smoke:
    like i said dont mean to preach or nothin jus sayin

    one other thing herb dont make you feel burned out its how you treat the high, recently i been seshing 4-6 times a day i aint feel this good in like a month eat healthy or atleast mildly healthy and be eazy
  2. Happens to me 3-4 days after being high. Don't worry about it man, its all in your head. Don't think about it at all and it WILL pass.
  3. smoking makes it go away too.:D
  4. smoke more. school high >

  5. Yea, the day after I was feeling like I described and smoked and I felt fine then went back to the wierd feeling.

    @germany. we blaze every late start before school since freshman year. best ritual ever
  6. I started smoking about 3 months ago after about a 35 year TC break :eek:.

    Anyway, the first couple of weeks I felt about the same way the day after I smoked, but that seems to have passed now. If it's a one time or occasional thing I wouldn't worry about it. If it get's worse and worse it might be time for a break. (don't think you need 35 years off like I did though!)
  7. 1) Inhaling any form of smoke causes your body to use energy to clean your lungs of foreign matter, causing you to have less energy for other endeavors. The eat/drink/exercise that was mentioned earlier is spot on. Eat for energy, drink for lost fluids, and exercise to release endorphins that help elevate mood and awareness.

    2) Cannabis is psychoactive, and, just like alchohol, your tolerance level has everything to do with how you will handle "coming down", as well as how "high" you will get and how much it will take to get there.

    3) On a more unnerving, unlikely, but possible note, you could have smoked weed that was laced and have been coming off of it. And trust me, just because you or your friends don't lace, doesn't mean they couldn't have accidentally bought some already taken care of.

  8. Doubt it was laced since my friends smoked the same blunt I did.

    I've been researching and saw this thing called depersonalization but I'm not sure if my symptoms are that severe but it kind of accurately describes it.
  9. #29 DRTYDUB21, Sep 11, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 11, 2010
    than that would most likely mean that you have an underlying mental disorder that is being brought out by the MJ. Is there any history of mental illness in your family?

  10. Not that I know of. Is it treatable/curable?

  11. Yes. It is considered a dissociative disorder by the DSM-IV if chronic. It could also be brought on by anxiety, depression, Bi-polar disorder, OCD, borderline personality disorder, and even migraine, stress, sleep depravation, and epilepsy.

    It happens to me when I have a migraine, and I am used to the feeling and know it will pass. But if it is something that is lasting for an extended period of time, I would consult a therapist of some sort. If your school has that type of support you can go through that, or go to your GP and get a referral.

    Why do you think that it could be depersonalization?

  12. I thought it was depersonalization because I looked up and the symptoms were something along the lines of "suffers feel as if they were in a constant dream and everything around them is fake". That is how I pretty much felt

    On topic, I blazed yesterday and I feel fine haha
  13. word dude. You were probably just burnt out than, and needed a little break. Just be careful and dont inception-ize your life, haha..
  14. i feel the same way lol i know what you will feel like in a couple days lol i personally like it makes me feel hella chill

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