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Strange Feeling

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by funkalicious, Sep 10, 2010.

  1. On Saturday I smoked a lot with friends and got reallyyyyy high and on sunday I smoked again but didn't get as high but I got pretty high. Ever since then I don't feel like myself. I feel a little lightheaded and I find it hard to concentrate.

    Any idea why?
  2. you could be a bit burnt out.

    How often do you normally smoke?
  3. yeah dude, get good sleep. it sounds like ur burnt to hellll haha. Ive had that happen a few times, i felt burnt for days afterwards.

  4. about once a week.

  5. it sucks, I can't concentrate in school at alllll. I might go for a run tomorrow and get a lot of water in me
  6. yea, I mean weed is different for everyone, but it shouldn't be making you feel that way 5 days after smoking.

    It could be something else, not necessarily from the pot.

  7. Yea, I heard something about a placebo effect? maybe it's all in my head idk
  8. Honestly, I thought I was going crazy after I smoked weed. But no, its just a shift in your mentality. Your body is not that used to mind altering substances, so when it happens, its pretty traumatic on your mental health. I swear, after the first time I had hash, I was high for 48 hrs, but it soon goes away, and if you ever get to the point where you smoke everyday, it becomes second nature. Try your best to adapt to it and soon enough you wont even realize it anymore.
  9. So when you don't smoke you feel like shit or when you do?

    Just try to get 8 hours + sleep and see how you feel. Take a few days off from smoking and try again.

    EDIT: Plus you mention you only smoke once a week. Your tolerance probably stays pretty low which means MJ has a greater effect on you and may well last through your sleep.

  10. that's what I was thinking. My body just needs to adjust and I just need to stop thinking about it. I was thinking about smoking this weekend but not sure.

  11. I don't feel like shit. Just a little disoriented since I last smoked on saturday/sunday

  12. You should. Weed is so much safer than so many other things. If I ever come to an ultimatum where I could go out and go to the bars, or go smoke weed with some stoner friends, I always smoke because it is better for your body.

  13. Alright I know what you mean..
    It's just your body's way of getting used to the effects.. When I stopped smoking for a few days I could tell a difference in my mood for sure.

    Do you feel like your fuse is a little shorter? haha.
  14. Only way to get rid of the burnt feeling is to smoke more often.
  15. along with what everyone else said I would consider taking some sort of vitamins. In your case I would look into b vitamins with iron and magnesium.

    I sort of feel the way you feel so I take Feroglobin which is like a cough syrup but instead just a b-vitamin complex formula. I eat some food take less than a teaspoon of it every other day and i'm good to go.

  16. Or you could try Centrum or Men's One-A-Day (or women's if you are so).
  17. I Rember way back when I first started (was 13) I got xtra baked one day with my friends then the next day I just felt mild high kinda and very out of it just give it time :) also when I first smoked I felt like I wasn't my self anymore like im a new person anyone felt this too there first time brazing?
  18. This happened too me! When i smoked 4 times in one day (2 bowls each session) it was the most i smoked then. So, i was burnt for about 5 days. I HATED it. The best thing you can do to "recover" faster, is to excercise, drink a lot, and eat a lot.

  19. How long has this been going on for?

  20. That's what I'm going to do after school then probably blaze after and go to the town carnivall

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