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Are we really losing brain cells?!?!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Swishuhh, Jan 20, 2009.

  1. #1 Swishuhh, Jan 20, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2009
    Hey guys, I've recently stumbled upon some very interesting information.

    I was watching a video called Union... something something, but it was mainly to show the pros of smoking weed and to discredit all the cons and misconceptions of marijuana usage.

    In the video they held an experiment on monkeys to identify the amount of brain cells lost from smoking weed. Although it says the experiment wasn't accurate because the monkeys had face masks on 24/7 constantly inhaling weed.

    Also.. It said in 2005 there was a recent research project to see if you really are losing brain cells from marijuana usage, and the results were acctually quite surprising to me. It said that marijuana usage is more or so "stimulating" brain cells rather than killing them.

    high right now so typing all of this has been a pain in the ass haha, just wanted to see what you guys thought :]
  2. My theory is that the only reason you would lose braincells is from the lack of oxygen you are getting when you inhale something other than oxygen.
  3. you stated the answer, thc stimulates the receptors
  4. Nope does not kill them.
  5. The study on the monkeys was over 30 years ago and was discredited because they were essentially suffocating the monkeys with smoke causing brain cell death and brain damage. This had nothing to do with marijuana or smoke and everything to do with suffocation.

    No compounds in marijuana cause brain cell damage or death and we don't hold our breath long enough to kill brain cells due to lack of oxygen.

    Simply put, marijuana doesn't kill brain cells.
  6. #6 Brandon138, Jan 20, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2009
    And just FYI, even if we were killing brain cells, there are roughly 6 trillion brain cells in the average human brain.
  7. yeah ur killing brain cells. how do you explain when some people are burned out?
  8. have you ever watched a movie stoned, then watch it sober and realize you missed half the movie zoning out? thats what happen to those who are "burned out." they don't pick up on the little facts normal people do on a daily basis because they are too stoned all the time
  9. Exactly.
  10. haha thanks for the info :]

  11. ya it would be really innacurate to test them on monkeys and hey i think ive seen you on yahoo answers not sure though

  12. i always thought burned out referred to people who acted that way when they WEREN'T high.
  13. being burned out is easy to snap out of
  14. Like everyone else said that is completely false, you are actually stimulating brain cell growth, it's quite ridiculous our government hasn't legalized it, seeing how much money it would add to our fucked up economy and the money it would save on the war on drugs, which is like 90% devoted to weed. All the other smart governments that have realized cannabis's potential are laughing at our entire country's ignorance.
  15. how do you explain why that happens though?
  16. im pretty sure its bullshit fed to us by the government so we wont touch weed
  17. You guys are fucking retarded. I don't get burnt out because i'v smoked everyday for 5 years. I guess it must mean IM COMPLETELY fried right!? don't spread that bullshit
  18. yeah i know, its like what the fuck. i have a better memory than most people and ive smoked multiple times daily for like 2 years now.

    its like the government saying makes your penis fall off, you gonna believe them right? even after smoking haha
  19. #19 Lebowski, Jan 20, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2009
    From NORML:

    "Cannabinoids & Neurogenesis

    "Study turns pot wisdom on its head," pronounced the Globe and Mail in October. News wires throughout North America and the world touted similar headlines -- all of which were met with a monumental silence from federal officials and law enforcement. Why all the fuss? Researchers at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon found that the administration of synthetic cannabinoids in rats stimulated the proliferation of newborn neurons (nerve cells) in the hippocampus region of the brain and significantly reduced measures of anxiety and depression-like behavior. The results shocked researchers -- who noted that almost all other so-called "drugs of abuse," including alcohol and tobacco, decrease neurogenesis in adults -- and left the "pot kills brain cells" crowd with a platter of long-overdue egg on their faces."

    Link to the norml article:

    Link to the actual study:

    Cannabinoids were also found to prevent brain and other tumors from developing. Theres a ton of articles on norml's website. Any time a study comes out they link to it and write an article summarizing the study and the public/media's reaction.
  20. hey guys
    i think that noones losing brain cells cept the people who are doing stuff to lose brain cells

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