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McDonalds Breakfast stoned?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by LovingTree, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. Recently I've been walking up to MCD for breakfast, and taking it to go and munching out high. Who else loves some MCD breakfast?

  2. Helll yeahhh
  3. You can sit down at your McDonalds this late/early? That's good shit. Best I've seen is 24 hour drive-thru
  4. im about to go get me a 1 dollar large coffee 1 dollar hash brown and 1 dollar sausage mcmuffin
  5. I know it's probably killing me off but, Sausage and Egg McMuffin. :hello:
  6. Egg mcmuffin is my go to breakfast sandwich. Love the steak, egg n cheese bagel too.....with a large hi-c orange.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  7. Those McGriddles though.. sausage egg and cheese McGriddle? Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :yummy:
    That and a nice SEG bagel set me right :smoke:
  8. I don't get 100 yard close to McDonalds at anytime at all. Don't eat fabricated unhealthy food , life is too short 
  9. McDonald's should make a Big Mac McGriddle so it's like a McGriddle but like a Big Mac and it's the size of an actual burger like would that be the dankest shit?
    I've worked at McDonald's for a cumulative 4 years of my life. I have never eaten a Big Mac. Nor have I touched that quarter meat shit.
    I eat there, but even I have some standards. :laughing:
  11. I know you guys love McDiesel's breakfast, I also know you like saving your money for better shit, like weed. Check this out:
    Sausage biscuit                              $1
    Hash brown                                    $1
    ketchup                                           $0
    Combined in one sandwich            $Priceless
    Having more weed to smoke          $Priceless
  12. Man, smokin' weed makes nasty American food amazing.
  13. I really have no idea how people can stomach that garbage. I ate McDonald's breakfast once, and it was one of the most disgusting things I've ever had the displeasure of ingesting. I understand it's cheap, but I could make myself a much better breakfast for the same price if not less!
  14. I get real breakfast at Waffle House and I haven't been to McDonald in years.
  15. I'm a fan of their sausage mcmuffins. They recently added cheese on those for free, so good. That's all I really get from McDonalds though.
  16. ^ Same here man sausage mcmuffin is my fav breakfast item. Cheap but still has the mcmuffin part and cheese, i don't miss the egg.
  17. Im a chic fila breakfast guy I love chicken minis. I dont think I have eaten mcdonalds in5+ years.

    sent from the mind of a ninja using Grass city forums

  18. Hot cakes and sausage meal with a large orange juice  :smoke:
    Perfect way to start the day after a wake n bake
  19. #19 SwichOne, Aug 7, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2013
    Mcgriddles and Egg Mcmuffins FTW!
    An iced coffee is the icing on the cake. 
  20. . I use to wake up at 5am just to go smoke some weed and sit down at mcds and have that grand slam breakfast wighs eggs hashbrown pancakes sausges and biscuit
    I'd alaays get sausage egg burritos as well. Then I'd go to class nd sleep it off

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