My Dad, the Belligerent Asshole.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by RuseOfMetacarpi, Jun 22, 2006.

  1. So I'm about to wake and bake it, though it's more like a wake-get-yelled-at-throw-the-phone-think-about-cutting-my-dads-brakelines and bake.

    Here's what went down.

    So, lately I've accumulated quite a debt to my parents, just because a bunch of shit happened all at once. I owe my mom my share of one payment on my insurance, 100 dollars. I need to pay a 115 dollar reinstatement fee for my registration for my car. I need to pay 600 dollars that I said I'd pay for summer school, I told my dad I'd pay him back at least 150 or 200 every paycheck, which normally comes out to be about 320, but might be a little less this time. So, I talk to my dad about paying that off, tell my mom I'll have her money on Friday when I get my check and I plan to pay the reinstatement fee with my next check.

    I have a girlfriend that lives a little less than an hour away, and I try to see her as often as I can, especially right now, because once summer school starts, I will have practically no time to. My dad's always been a dick for some reason about letting me go to her house, says it's a waste of money with the gas and everything. He always makes me do some bullshit he thinks up the morning of the day I'm going there just to try and keep me from going.

    So anyway, onto the drama. This morning, I wake up to my dad shouting my name into my room at 8:15 like I've just killed Jesus and he's pissed. I thought maybe he found some weed, something. He starts yelling at me, like full force, reminding me of my debt, all facets of which I already informed him of. So I just keep saying "dad, I know I've got a lot of things to pay for, but I'll be able to pay for all of them". So he says I'm not allowed to go see Stacy today, because he doesn't think I can afford the gas. Well I told him I put thirty in my tank (20 of which actually went to an 1/8) and that the money's already spent. He just keeps yelling, won't listen to anything, tells me I should run to the bank and put all my change in, being completely irrational. I tell him that it's completely unfair since I'm 18 anyway, I should be allowed to do what I want with my free time.

    Then this motherfucker says I "don't know shit about money or real life" and then takes credit for being the only reason I still have a place to live. Which isn't true at all since he stopped paying for anything for me about 5 months ago. Sometimes, if we decide to go out to eat, he'll even expect I pick up half of the tab. I don't know, maybe I just sound spoiled here, but he really pissed me off, especially when he told me I can't make a living for myself. I work harder than most people my age, during the school year I was pullin about 27-30 hours a week at my job as a food expediter, working two shifts during the school week and three on a weekend. It's like my dad doesn't really realize or appreciate what I try to do for myself.

    Sorry, you probably have to understand my life and my situation very well to get any gratification out of this story, but it pissed me off to no end this morning, and I had to tell someone.
  2. Parents....:rolleyes: I cant say that I know what your going through, I caused my parents alot of shit and alot of money. But I was like you, I worked my ass off for everything that I had. My dad once threw something in my face that I once did... ( its a long story) and it was quite hurtful. It was like putting salt in a, " Gee, thanks dad, cause I dont already feel like shit about already putting you out cause I fucked up"........I dunno how I would handle having my parents harping at me all the time for it. We're only human, were allowed to make mistakes.
  3. My dad used to be a huge fuckin ass. Really messed with me growing up, but it's all good, i got him back. I'm on medication now for my anxiety/depression and am in therapy, which i blamed him for alot of it in the beginning and he felt so bad, which he diserved to. He changed now tho (because of a different situation) basically had a break down and learned to control himself. Ah well, i am kinda spoiled, i need to move the hell out, but it's all good... i'm working on it, heh.
  4. theres this thing at my school where if you work a certain number of hours a week, and you sign up for this class, you can get 2 credits a semester to go twards whatever you want. But yea now to get on topic, parents can really put on the pressure, but really its only because they are feeling it. It will all calm down.
  5. have a talk with him , and explain you are trying to get money to him. when his not pissed (thats the secert)

    Good luck
  6. I know how your feelin. My dad was a belligerant asshole too.......until I found the bud he was growing in my backyard.....
  7. thats sounds like a lot of fun :bongin:
  8. dude, id move out, doesnt seem like too much of an option, but i think its the best one if at all possible within 6 months....

    but besides that, if my mom and i were at dinner and she was like, u gonna pick this up? id prolly say i gotta piss and i will whe i get back, and just leave the restraunt. lol.
  9. dam dude that hella sucks if my dad was like that to me i would move out im like fuck i cant take this nemore...
  10. Not much you can do when you have shitty parents like that.. just deal with it I guess. They always think that they know what is best for you, but in all actuality they don't.
  11. that sucks dad is like that sometimes, but not to the point where he makes me pay for anything, he's just crazy. But I hope you get everything situated and paid for, and hopefully you can move out sometime soon, sure would save alot of stress on your conscience.
  12. My dads a nazi he just does the dumbest shit like hell just come in and start search the bathroom after I take a shower, or hell just start like searching through my room and he always has some gay excuse like hes just clean things (by pulling them apart) it pisses me off more than anything. Then I get pissed and hes like "are you trying to hide something" just like a fucking cop I hate it.
  13. i know how you feel to an extent. except my mom is pretty chill about the $ i owe her [for my car]. being in debt is a bitch. :(
  14. my bro acts like he's my dad a lot, and every time he tries to ask me shit about my life or where ive been i always tell him to fuck off. he has a new nick name, "mr. police officer." i dont know how much that has to do with your story but we're in the same boat.
  15. Well I live in my own place now and I love it so much.

    My dad used to be like that, too, but, I don't know your dad, but I'll assume that he loves you. Take it from me, as I have gone through the same years you have and made it on my own and if my dad had never been that asshole then I would have a shitty life right now. I thank him for it.

    If your dad didn't love you, he wouldn't bother to talk to you. My biological father lived 5 minutes down the road and a phone call away and I only seen him about a dozen times in my 21 years.

    But my step father who yelled at me and was an ass to me, cared about me. Parents have different ways of caring. But be thankful they do.

    The first time I was caught smoking weed, he was so pissed, but he was hurt too. Out of all the times and long lectures this time was different. All he managed to say was: "Don't ever bring that fucking shit in my house again". I obeyed. After all, I don't let anyone bring crystal meth and such into my house (the cops are all over it out here.). So it was out of respect that I stopped smoking weed on my family's property. I was 17 at the time, already hooked on nicotine and my parents knew it, but also accepted that I was pretty much a man already, and making my own decisions.

    Just be glad your parents still talk to you.
  16. Whats up with parents being so angery in the morning. Seriously, almost everytime my mom or dad get pissed at me its like 8 or 9 in the morning. They yell at me, i yell at them for yelling at me so early and to wait to later and it always turns into the same argument.

    Damn just wait till later and things would turn out better. I cant even remember a time where i randomly woke up angery.
  17. Euphorian: Hah. I pretty much completely agree, I understand what you're saying. And yeah, for the most part my dad's cool. It's not like I completely hate him or anything, sometimes I'm just like what the fuck are you talking about.

    I'm a little stoned. But cool.
  18. Well man at least hes putting a roof over your head and stuffing your pie hole full of food so i wouldnt argue with him and shit like that cuse he is your dad and hes done alot for you which u prolly dont realize but u will when u get older and grow more mature-- peace
  19. I never did know my real dad before. If I did, he would probably be an asshole.
  20. Are you in high school? Sounds like you need to go away from college, when do you graduate?

    Im in kind of a opposite situation, my parents are in debt to me a little under 9,000 (has gone up gradually over 4 months) :rolleyes: My dad doesn't have a job, my mom is the only one working, and they are barely making it -- I had to pay their fucking car insurance again last week.

    It pisses me off a lot, my dad acts like his only job in life is to see how long he can sit on the couch each day and watch as much television as he can, then at night he'll coke out and stare out a fucking window or watch the television with it practicly on mute.

    Just like you I needed to get this off my chest, your thread seemed liek the perfect opportunity. Sometimes I wonder, how much out of the 9.000 they owe me, was really used for bills like they said and how much my dad blew on crack.

    I go back to NY on tuesday so atleast ill be 1000+ miles away from this BS then.

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