What time of day to harvest?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by dailytoken, Oct 5, 2011.

  1. Does it matter? Planning on my First harvest tonight . Feel free to leave tips.
  2. Well I've heard before harvest you need to flush!
  3. I heard that after you flush you should wash your hands
  4. Flushed for three weeks
  5. I always harvest at the end of the night cycle, when all of the sugars are being brought up to the flowers.

    I also give it a 24-48 dark period before harvesting.
  6. Outdoor, yea I've heard good things about the 24.or more dark period
  7. Well I would start with any time that I am not at work. Then I would subtract sleeping time from the difference. I then would subract goof off time and see if there was any time left in between... If there is no time left reduce goof off time and harvest then...
  8. The deed is done
  9. can i put bags over the plants for the 24 hour dark period?
  10. Forget about the extra dark period. Harvest in the morning if possible, or as CO Jones says, harvest when you can work it out.

  11. No.

    I forget that not everyone has their plants in pots and in their backyards. LOL :smoke:
  12. yes trash bags work induce early flower that way cover the plant any way you can start plant in winter in house put in the ground in spring and and cover for early flower big yield faster

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