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Best way to make weed edibles with least smell?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by FPM, Sep 19, 2011.

  1. What's some good ways to cook weed in to edibles without the smell? if there are any ways please share, or how long is it till the smell goes away after you cook it? :confused:
  2. in a casserole dish with lid on wrapped in tin foil, from experience it doesn't really smell like weed though when you cook it.
  3. yeah i just made weed peanut butter and made pb and j's first edible cooked ever! =] it tasted great and got me stoned. not desirde potency yet but geting there :eek:

    to reduce smell i just lit a good candle put tinfoil over the bread pan and baked it for about 24 mins spray a little fabreeze every now and then good as new. =]
  4. I just use hash that I dissolve in vegetable oil and then make brownies with. Works great and no smell while cooking or nasty green taste in the edible.
  5. thanks man i think ill try the oil thing that sounds like a great way, will it smell if you cook the oil? you know so you don't have to wait like 4 weeks for it to dissolve?
  6. You're in luck... the best oils, are well-sealed and easily temperature controlled during the entire process, and as a result produce little to no odor. [​IMG] Quickie, stove-top oils, are a bit more risky odor-wise, but even they can be sealed and controlled to some degree.

    Any inadvertent odor you do produce, so long as you were being careful at least to some degree, should be relatively mild and dissipate quickly... it should be much more discreet than if you'd smoked, for instance. If you follow the below instructions to the letter, you won't detect the odor in the kitchen at all.. you'll hardly smell it when you open the oven! (I have been half way through the process on more than one occasion, with police officers in my home on professional/official business!) It's important to allow it to cool before breaking your seal. Your brownies may produce a faint odor during baking, but you can always opt for an odorless, bake-less recipe to use your oil.

    To learn how to make this (or your trimmings...)


    Into, this...


    See the link below:

    (First Page, contains detailed information on decarboxylation, or cannabinoid conversion..
    decarboxylation is the process of activating your cannabinoids 'potency' by removing the
    carboxyl group in the form of carbon dioxide and water vapor, converting your cannabinoids
    from their acid, to their more potent delta forms):

    Photo Tutorial: Highly Activated Med Grade Bioavailable Canna & Hash Oil, Edibles, Drinkables and more...

    The best oils, produce little to no odor during processing, if sealed properly and heated and cooled correctly. You can easily put it in any boxed brownie mix... be sure to read the final paragraph for detailed dosage information.

    For no-smell recipes, you can try ice cream, guacamole, potato salad, canna BOMBS, truffles, and other cold recipes (found in the above link):






  7. omg great post man extremely helpful!!!!!:hello:

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