Ron Paul is a clown

Discussion in 'Politics' started by craigd89, Sep 2, 2011.

  1. Yeah because I'm an Obama supporter:rolleyes:
  2. yeah right
  3. Uhh I don't know where you live but saying that most people earning minimum wage are high school and college students is dead wrong.
  4. ..Yeah jobs would be brought back to our country, but then our citizens wouldn't be able to afford the products they make. Doesn't it make sense to pay all workers at the very least a living wage so they are able to fuel demand and buy goods?

  5. or let supply and demand work the way it was intended so our economy wont be inflated and half of our jobs outsourced to other countries. it will be better for our own people to be working for a little less rather than people that dont even live here getting paid very little. plus, cheaper labor=cheaper products. and since more people are going to have jobs, thats more money for consumers to buy the cheaper products. it really is basic economics, and ron paul and his supporters seem to be the only ones that understand it at all lol

  6. Is four minutes really too long for you to gain perspective?

    On the bright side, you reposted my awesome gif.
  7. What troubles me about Ron Paul is whenever governments fail, it's always not that the system itself is to blame or somehow flawed, but that it isn't pure enough. As if we need to be more ruthless with capitalism. Not that I blame RP, but if this thought is becoming popular... And I see it with all his supporters online... It's a really bad sign for the country.
  8. Ron Paul may not be the perfect candidate but he is the best hope we have for this country and i agree with a lot of his views.
  9. I read the title of the post, and then thought, "Ugh... OP is a clown".

    Read between the lines of what Dr Paul is talking about, open your boundaries of pre-determined thoughts to really see what he's saying...

    Best thoughts.
  10. For all the low wage outsourcing proponents; ever consider that those same goods cost exponetially more here? :smoke:

  11. a living wage is not a fixed amount. it exists in relation to a variety of other factors. and no matter what the minimum wage is it will never be enough. whether it is .10 an hour or 100.00 an hour. raising the minimum wage drives costs up putting the level of "living wage" that much higher. minimum wage goes up costs for everyone goes up because monetary supply is higher.

    the only way a person is ever going to get a "living wage" is to separate themselves from the faceless herd and make themselves more valuable to an employer. prices of everything (including labor) are not fixed, the bottom will always be the bottom, the numbers attached to it are for record keeping purposes only

  12. Providing business owners aren't scum bags.
    People who are mentally incapable of holding jobs (IE people with down syndrome, etc...) can't do anything other then minimum wage jobs. You want to give them the boot and tell them they can only earn $2 an hour?

    What about the high shcool kid who has to take a job to help his family survive. You want to tell him $2/hr??

    Honestly all the politicians are fucking clowns, Ron Paul is still a clown, but is less of a clown. Obama was full of talk, look where that ended up. Ron Paul is full of talk, if he's elected, I think it will go the same route. Prove me wrong though.

    Presidency is a sham.
  13. but wouldn't food and shelter be much cheaper if wages were lower?
  14. The "invisible hand" that should theoretically make that the case does not always function in the manner some imagine it would (i.e. costs of good decrease proportionally with a drop in wages). Firm owners might pass the per-unit savings entirely onto consumers, they might hoard it entirely, or they might choose some middle ground. Unless the decrease in costs of goods is directly proportional to the decrease in wages, that reduces the purchasing power of all formerly minimum-wage earning consumers.

    Edit: To clarify, this makes eliminating the minimum wage a good thing for non minimum-wage workers, and a potentially terrible thing for minimum-wage workers.

  15. Yes, that's the Feds worst nightmare, deflation. What does deflation mean?

    Economics: reduction of the general level of prices in an economy.

    Google: Bernanke Doctrine and you will find a speech he gave in 2002 tittled, "Deflation: Making Sure "It" Doesn't Happen Here."

    What's funny (or sad) is that gasoline is about the cheapest it has ever been if you are paying in gold or silver vs US Dollars. Example, gasoline is approximately $3.39/gallon by me if I pay in fiat US Dollars. If I pay in pre-1964 silver dimes it is 10-12 cents/ gallon as there is .07 ounces of silver and silver is currently trading at ~$43/ounce.

    But, this all goes against their Keynesian beliefs that you can create wealth out of debt and consumption rather than savings and investment.
  16. #57 AlienBlood, Sep 3, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 3, 2011
    Oh come on man. I am not some heartless guy but a new jobs report came out and there was virtually zero growth. However, GE, recently sent thousands of jobs to India. This is the same company that is in bed with Obamma (they own NBC) with them both telling corporations that they need to "suck it up" and hire more people. At the same time Obama is threatening to increase taxes and regulations on these very same people he's lecturing. Does this make sense to you? Businesses don't want to send jobs overseas, or hire illegals, they'd like to hire as many Americans as possible. But of course they will seek profit first so they ship them out to capitalist economies such as China.

    These liberals, err I mean "sympathetic" Americans are essentially saying the following: Think of the poor you are trying to oppress them by paying them a low wage, think of the children, and Timmy from SouthPark!!!! ME: But Mr./Ms./Mrs. Liberal don't you understand your stubbornness is resulting in these same people you claim to be the savior of not being able to get any job, or in terms you can understand, $0.00 per hour as opposed to 3, or 7, ZERO. Mr./Ms./Mrs. Liberal: ill give u my economic professor's fone numbuh, he will skewl yuu on why more jobs for asians and indians as opposed to Americans are better for Americans. Americans just need to deal with the fact that they need to all get indoctrinated, err I mean educated on the fact that we no longer can be a nation of producers and must evolve beyond that. ME: You just said 2 seconds ago that you were defending retards, do you want them to have a job on a mindless assembly line or are you suggesting they all of a sudden get smart and become scientists and engineers? Mr./Mrs./Ms. Liberal: ARRRRRRRGH GLOBUL WARMING, I MEAN CLIMATE CHANGE, EVOLVE. YOU NEED TO EVOLVE STOP THINKING AND EVOLVE!!!

    :eek: :D :smoke: :) ;) :laughing:

  17. Response is in quote.

  18. You're on the wrong side of history with your programmed PC knee jerk reactions.

    Some retards actually can communicate why don't you ask them what offends them instead of making decisions for them? I've already done that. Try it, you may be surprised with the results.

    Does that definition look insulting to you? It's pretty fucking straight forward. Stop vilifying every word please.

  19. People who have Down Syndrome, Autism, do not like being called retarded. I know a few family friends who suffer from that, and if they were called retarded it would anger them alot.

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