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Taking Vyvanse for ADHD, and still smoking

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by infamousnugz, Aug 20, 2011.

  1. I have real mean ADHD. I mean, before I took this pill I could not watch movies. I could not draw. I could not read. I could not do anything for more than an hour without weed.

    I know Grass City doesn't condone talking about other drugs, so I'll keep this really simple.

    Basically, the medication is helping my focus intensely. For the first time in my life I am zoning off during movies and I catch myself concentrating too much, almost. It is also helping me with smoking, as I have had barely any cigarette cravings since. It is suppressing my appetite and increasing anxiety though.

    Indica only, gives me euphoria if I smoke while it is peaked. It is very pleasurable, despite reading fear-mongering posts that I'll have a heart attack or something if I combine the two. I got a heart EKG already and I'm perfect. So, is it worth to smoke and risk the side effects of this medication daily? It seems that adding weed makes this medication more effective, as I am too focused and edgy if I don't add weed. Weed gives me the appetite back too.

    What are your thoughts? Has anyone taken this shit?
  2. I guess you will be fine, people have done worse. I suggest an indica though because vyvanse WILL keep you up all night, so a good heavy indica to knock your ass out will do the trick, plus increase your appetite. I have had incredibly high/rapid heartbeat multiple times from vyvanse, and so has my sister. She almost had a stroke. So people aren't exaggerating when they say you can have a heart attack. I was in weights and almost passed out while lifting because the vyvanse made me give it my all.

    EDIT: If you've taken vyvanse before you will know that anything less than 100% effort is not enough lol, at least for me.
  3. It is NOT enough. I meant to smoke a bowl like 5 hours ago, and I've postponed it just all fucking night. It's like, once I get into something, that's it. I'm gone for hours. It's too much concentration almost, which is why I like weed. It seems to make everything perfect, even for a while after it tapers off.

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