cfl getting hot?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by kagoostin, Jul 20, 2011.

  1. Hey guys im creating my first stealth box and when i was testing the lights, i left it on for about 2-3 and when i turned it off, i touched it and it was already feeling hot. Its basicly 6 26watt connected to one output.

  2. They will tend to get hot just because of the natural rules of electricity.. but not hot enough to be detected by thermal cameras, unless you have hundreds running at once. If they start getting very hot, then keep them a fair distance away from your plants, 3-4" will do. I'm also a beginner but I get a lot of my information from an experienced grower that I've been taking advice from on the forum. (greenbudguy)

    Hope I could be of some help! :wave:
  3. Yea they get pretty hot... and they heat up a small space pretty quick to if you dont have the right exhaust. Theyre nothing compared to an HPS. Never used one for growing, but streelights are HPS (not sure what wattage) and you can still feel the heat they give off from all the way up there.
  4. I was a little worried cause if it's like that for 2-3 mins how would it be for 24 hours
  5. cfl's wont get any hotter than they are after about 5 min.

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