Nervous System in plants

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by MasterOG, Jun 20, 2011.

  1. Do plants have any sort of nervous system? Just something I've been pondering over for a while
  2. no they do not.
  3. So then they don't have the power to come up with ideas or anything? I mean I know they are just plants, but imagine if they communicate with each other in some sort of language
  4. You must be really high right meow
  5. Lol na I'm not high right meow, nor was I high at the time I came up with this thread
  6. but they do know how to lean in the direction of the closest light source.
  7. lol plants with thoughts... you sound like my crazy grandma that made me appologize to house plants if i brushed by them

    plants have no concious that we can currently measure. in reality we dont know anything, but that doesnt mean everything is there, if that makes sense.

    so what that means is that plants dont think untill we discover that they think
  8. no they dont "know how" its the result of a basic chemical reaction
  9. Do you think Mary Jane "communicates'" to us when we put her in our bodies?

    I read somewhere that plants have the ability to communicate with each other through underground sources, I think it was the mycorrihizae fungi that allowed plants of different species to "talk" or somethin like that.

    Don't quote me on that though, I'm just as clueless as the next guy
  10. Did you learn that from the movie Avatar?

  11. lmao no seriously i read an article, but i cant remember where
  12. There has been tons of experiments showing plants have some ability to 'think'.

    Just simply playing soothing music or saying nice things to your plants actually increase their growth and overall health.. people shouldn't be so quick to throw out an 'out there' idea..

  13. [​IMG]
  14. you may find this interesting or not, but it may shed a little light on the plant nervous system feelings issue wiki link
  15. You got to be kitten me.

  16. lmfao
  17. rofly:hello:
    " the belief that they possess advanced affective or cognitive abilities is not supported by scientific research"

    read before you post if your trying to help your case

    there is no evidence at all suggesting this theory.

    also, why would plants have brains? god made all the plants and animals to serve man duh

  18. Dude you can just ask anyone who grows plants and has tried playing music for them.. It's very obvious they respond differently to different music and also grow much fast with soothing music being played.

    Dr. Masaru Emoto shows how water molecules even react differently to different types of music. Hes done tons of research on the subject despite receiving negative responses from the scientific community saying it's pseudoscience even though you can do the rice experiment in your own home and watch the results yourself after just a few weeks..

    There's so much more to reality than we can even begin to comprehend..
  19. All life is interconnected. Our thoughts and emotions are external as well as internal. If there are changes in our vibration we can potentially affect change in the vibrations around us. There is only space, and matter is just the undulations in the fabric.

    I would not be surprised if plants respond to changes in human emotion, it would be similar to subjecting it to another frequency. Why does no one even cares to entertain the idea? Scientific understanding is advancing and shifting every day, there have been countless bedrock ideas that were eventually proven wrong. Who's to say that our understanding isn't still changing?
  20. #20 MasterOG, Jun 22, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    That's what I'm talkin about! There's so much more to observe than what meets the eye

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