negative side effects to smoking fake bake (k2,legal weed)?

Discussion in 'General' started by th1zzzl0m1c, Jun 5, 2011.

  1. I've been smoking that fake shit everyday for like 2 weeks now, and i don't really notice any negative side effects other than a weird burn in my throat but that passes quickly and sometimes if i smoke a shit loead i'll feel all weird l8er. i donno it gets me high as fuck and its way cheaper than good weed. How bad for u is it? ne1know? thx:smoke:
  2. it's dangerous. i had "flashbacks" just like "lsd flashbacks" after smoking it for four months. i loved the high though. i had to quit because it was fucking me up.
  3. Stop smoking that garbage.
  4. #5 Parable, Jun 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2011
    From what I've gathered it's not good to smoke it daily, moderation is key, as always. Especially since it's a RC.

    I just picked up some fusion and it's alot stronger than k2, although, the high doesn't last nearly as long. (I smoked it in a blunt)


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