Minecraft 1.6.4 Dedicated Server - GrassCraft

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by Lifespath420, May 28, 2011.

  1. and down grade the server or what ever it is lol
  2. I did that bro. It wasnt enough space now. I know. It will get a BIG shrine no worries :)
  3. EVERYBODY has been whitelisted now.
  4. so happy my boat is screen shotted on here :p

  5. o.o"Except for me tho Xd <--- can you whitelist coco008
  6. Mind adding me - PseudophoriK

    is it still 1.6.4 or did you downgrade?
  7. Mind adding me?

    Minecraft user is munshadow
  8. i really need to know if i can whitelist people haha
  9. Hey, I'd love to get in on this. My name is SmurfberryBlast.
  10. please whiteliste me, best server!
    game nick: apelsiins.
  11. [​IMG]

    to all you people waiting, sorry you will be whitelisted eventually
  12. Yeah... been checking in every hour or two, got nothing to do today.

    And what's with these 1 post people who just registered for this? lol
  13. I'm in!

    Ign: Ecliptica24


  14. Sorry dude. I think they're all pouring in from google :laughing:
  15. Hippie, if you're a mod on the server, try "/whitelist add PseudophoriK" without the quotes. And then do "/whitelist reload" (you may not have to do that)
  16. I've been sick with a cold so my time online has been minimized, ill be adding you all now :)
  17. Virtuoso you're good to go
  18. #58 Lifespath420, May 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2011
    MCMYADMIN COMMAND LIST: Most of these should work for you mods.
    accept::Accept another users 'join' or 'request' command.
    addmember: (group) (user) :Add a user to a specified group. Case sensitive!
    backupworld: [label] :Take a backup of the world with an optional label.
    ban: (user) :Ban a user by their username.
    ban-ip: (ip) :Ban a particular IP address.
    decline:: Decline another users 'join' or 'request' command.
    delmember: (group) (user) :Remove a user from a specified group. Case sensitive!
    delplayerdata: (user) :Removes a players data file from the world, erasing their home position and inventory.
    deop:[user]:Remove a users operator status, or yourself if no name is given.
    give: (user) (item id) [quantity]:Give a named user an item.
    giveme: (item id/name) [quantity/multiplier]:Give yourself an item by name.
    giveto: (user) (item id/name) [quantity/multiplier]:Give someone else an item by name.
    goto: (user) :Teleport yourself to a named user.
    help: [command] :Get a list of commands or help on a specific command.
    invite: (user) :Invite a user to join you.
    join: (user) :Request to join a user.
    kick: (user) :Kick a user off the server (they can rejoin).
    lastseen: (user) :Check when a user was last seen online.
    listplayers: :Show a list of active players (Llama Mod)
    lookup: (item name) :Look up the item number code by an approximate name.
    motd: :Show the current message of the day.
    op: (user) :Give a user operator status.
    opme: :Give yourself operator status.
    pardon: (user) : Remove a ban on a username.
    pardon-ip: (ip) : Remove a ban on an IP address.
    ping: :Check if the server is still alive.
    players :: Get a list of active players.
    restart :: Restart the minecraft server.
    save-all: :Save the current state of the server.
    save-off :: Disable level saving.
    save-on ::Enable level saving.
    serverstats: :Show server information.
    stop: :Stop the minecraft server.
    summon: (user) : Teleport another user to your location.
    time:: Get the current server time.
    tp: (user) (user): Teleport the first user to the second user.
    userstats: (user):Show historical data for a given user.
    whois: (user):Show a users WHOIS information.

  19. =w= let me answer your question o.o" people who just recently discovered minecraft and looking for a server to enter =w= Horaa For Noobs X3 *somehow im still getting kicked out =w="*
  20. Nathan i tried to re add you after you just tried to join and failed, same with coco

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