North Carolina Potheads

Discussion in 'General' started by dysba, Feb 18, 2011.

  1. Outer Bankssssssssssss

    we got good funk
  2. ^ then you know the right people, i haven't been able to find any. i'm not asking for a hookup but everyone i ask on the streets says they don't do that.:( i think they're lying
  3. Hey all, just checking in from the outskirts of the queen city of charlotte, just recently moved here, looking for some pothead friends in the area.
  4. white rhino obx

    Attached Files:

  5. funk.
  6. Lol WTF I live in ashville and I'll be going to ncsu next semester o_O .....who should I hit up when the semester starts?

  7. hit me up bro.
    i live on the outskirts too.
  8. South Charlotte reporting in...
  9. Whats good? Right outside charlotte is perfect (where im at) because i can make 15 minute trips there up to the city find some decent bud an then go back where its more quiet and laid back.
  10. I'm down in the goldsburo/dudley area, Need new friends.
  11. not sure if any of you have come across this outdoor dank that's come around raleigh lately, but it is sooo nice. been paying less than $200 an ounce for some dank/outdoor beasters and loving it.

    got a little bit of hash tonight too =]

  12. damn i gotta get over to raleigh.
  13. Its been nice lately. Usually I just stick with the super funk but its been expensive and not as amazingly high times as i like so i figured fugg it i'll just get some decent shit and make one or two moves to get a free zip =]

  14. thats awesome!
  15. 910 represent
  16. i live in hickory haha aka hickkkkville fucking hate it
  17. HTML:

    That zahra baker step mom is one hell of a cunt.

  18. i stay like 15 min from hickory
  19. Hey!
    Anyone heard of Grover?? It's near Shelby and Kings Mountain...
    I haven't been able to find any really good stuff around this small ass town..

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