Sassy's Poetry

Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by SassyMelassy, Jan 21, 2011.

  1. I have recently begun enjoying the wonder of poetry. Your poems are very inspirational to me... You capture the essence of every detail with words that could not be replaced... Impressive
  2. If you ever publish a book of your poetry put me down for the very first copy

  3. If I am ever so fortunate to become published, consider it done.
    Unfortunately, I don't know if there's any realistic possibility of that.
  4. U truly want it there is always a real possibility never secondguess urself. U have the power to Be You! :-D
    • heres a poem about life
    • what is life
    • its an object un understood by humans
    • people spend their whole life searching for a meaning which they will never find
    • life is something in which you are tested every day?
    • those who are weak will be reincarnated to go at it agaoin
    • those who understand it will move on
    •  life is a complicated thing, and suicide is not the answer
    • suicide is a cop out
    • might as well just give up rather then take your own life
    • there is always a way out'
    • no matter how hard it is
    • people are too imbedded in their own lifes to understand and unfortunalty that is the best way to go about life
    • do not care about any on else
    • you live your life no matter what friends you keep or LOSE
    • watch what you do and live by the morals you've created
    • some are pure evil and some just want to bring you to their side
    • but the challenge is to stand above them and make your own destiny
    • nothing is written for sure
    • you can change it if you focus hard enough
    • just do it and you will see
    • these are my words do with them what you will
  5. You are amazingly observant, thoughtful, and brilliant.  I bask in your glow.
    What inspires you exactly and how long have you been writing?
    Nothing inspires me anymore. I used to be inspired by hope and passion and romance and dreams and... all things I have no access to anymore.
    I've been writing for about 20 years, but it's been about 6ish years since I've really created anything so I guess you could say I used to write. For about 14 years. 
    I'm not sure how to take this because it sounds so sad, and yet your words are so beautiful. Why?
  9. I guess perhaps one never loses their skills, only subject matter on which to use them. I am in need of a Muse, I suppose.
    I can definitely understand that because my work is my muse.  Nothing has stimulated my mind as it does, so I guess it is important to have some source of inspiration even if it isn't connected to writing itself.
  11. #32 SassyMelassy, Sep 14, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 14, 2013
    The last 5 years of my life, since my son was born, and the last 3 since I've been raising him alone, have been pretty...intensive. 
    Writing used to be ritualistic and cathartic for me. It was music and mood and it came easy. It wasn't something that really took any effort, it was always just something that was. I could lose hours, sometimes entire days, writing, by hand, page after page...the ink on the paper was part of the catharsis. There's just something organic about putting a pen to paper for me. First drafts always start that way.
    Now, I don't have the time for that, and when I do have the time for that I'm either worrying about things outside of my control or mindlessly distracting myself from worrying. 
    At one point in my life I honestly believed I would become a writer. At this point in my life I am embarrassed to have allowed myself to believe that.
  12. #33 Dro Smoe, Sep 26, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 26, 2013
    Hey Sassy,
    I managed to find my way here after you liked a post of mine lol... 
    I personally had loved writing poetry for many years myself and have just lost interest.. But I just couldn't help but enter a trance-like state when reading your deep, emotionally full, and simply inspirational words... I feel like I have gotten to know a piece of you through those few poems.. The level of raw emotion and passion behind your writing is nothing short of awe-inspiring. You have been born with an amazing gift, or talent if you will. What you do with it is of course your choice, but I just wanted to let you know that I believe you could do ANYTHING that you're willing to try.  :smoke:
    Edit: I'm so sorry that you've been left to raise your son on your own! I can't say I know what it's like, but I'd imagine it being nothing short of draining - emotionally and physically..  You should be proud of yourself for carrying on such a task, and all I can say is that I hope it gets easier for you.. There WILL come a day when you can reap the fruits of your labor, and your son will be there for you, just as you are for him right now. Keep the faith, look forward to the future, and never give up hope.. =)
  13. I really like the way you write Sassy. 
    I look forward to anything you may write in the future. I know you're a busy mother with a son, but I do enjoy reading this. Despite how sad it may make me. 
    Thank you for the read. :)
  14. No Lie, These are Fucking Good! I really like "An Ode to My Father"
  15. #36 whoeverthismaybe, Oct 16, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2013
    that was my favorite.

  16. There is noo way school can teach you to write so beautifully. <3
  17. School just nurtured what was already there. I have always been a poet at heart.
    I knew it! :D 
    Keep (start!) writing on that novel we talked about ;) 
  19. Someday, but probably not soon.

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