What do girls think about our balls?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by J-DILLA, Jan 9, 2011.

  1. i'd prefer to not have my balls fondled....

    but if a chick wants to play with them while giving me head,,, im cool with it,,,

    ...my woman tells me she likes the feeling of my balls slapping her when i get behind her,,,,

    '' my balls are allways bouncing,,, to the left,to the right,,,,IT'S MY BELIEF that MY BIG-BALLS SHOULD BE HELD EVERY NIGHT... { '' lyrics to AC/DC '' big-balls }:cool:

  2. thats me right there. I dont enjoy women playing with my nipples or my balls. If you wanna touch it and all that, go for it. I'ma play some call of duty while you're doing that then.....
  3. i hate when girls touch my balls . . . i hate touching my balls. the only time i do is when im in the shower and i do so very reluctantly. i always think one of them is going to have a lump or something, its my biggest fear, lol
  4. Pretty fucking successful thread so far for the topic being BALLS.

    Wouldn't a better question be, why the fuck do us men have nipples?

  5. I like to play with men's nips :devious: I also like to twist them and bite them. I get a swift slap to the hand if I try though :(
  6. hahaha this reminds me of the time me and a couple of my friends were really high at this park and another one of my friends house was across the street n i said to one of my friends "you should go knock on his door and goat him when he opens it"

    so this motherfucker went over and rang the doorbell. my friend opened to door to see my other friend bending over with his balls sticking out.
    same kid goated his brother one time just to have his brother kick him in the sack while hes bending over. it was most unexpected.
  7. Weird. I fucking love when they do that.

  8. Because I like to lick and nibble on them.

    I am more gentle with a man's nips, but only because men are babies. I don't mind nibbled on or pulled on a little... or more than a little. Not grotesquely though.

    Score! There are men out there with nerve endings in their nips.
  9. i fuckin' love my balls

  10. :laughing:
  11. It all depends on your proportions, if you have giant goat nuts with an small-average tool, i can see how she could get grossed out, but if your balls are pretty normal sized, she doesn't get bothered by it.
    In all honesty, human sexuality is pretty disgusting as a whole. Vaginas are ugly, penises are ugly, its sweaty, primitive, and dirty, it's just so profound that we humans love and embrace it so much, myself included. That's how I know God exists, because of the gift of sex.
  12. Both are ugly, I do agree, just I'm a male and became to love the way a vagina looks simply because I'm a whore
  13. I love playing with balls, and don't mind the feeling of them smacking against my ass. Yeap, just the simple things in life keep me happy!
  14. Daaaaaammn... It's gettin' warm in here :ey::laughing:
  15. i like massaging my balls in a circular motion.....although it would be nice if my girl did that for me instead
  16. your pic made me lol!

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