Do you recognize the blade above you?

Discussion in 'General' started by BluDreams, Dec 5, 2010.

  1. Feel like I do, but not sure
  2. Fancy meeting you here :wave:
  3. Yes sir indeed
  4. yea cause of that fucking sig :devious:
  5. nopedy noperson.
  6. I'm sure everyone knows you from that avatar.
  7. I think I slighty remember cisco
  8. Don't recognize you at all.
  9. Sorry, but no!
  10. ^ One of my favs :D

    I used to be fairly well known and posted everywhere, all the time... Then I graduated college and now I'm a nobody. :laughing:
  11. Ive read some of you're posts.
  12. recognize the sig, other than that no
  13. Yes, yes I do.
  14. sorry, but nope
  15. I think i've seen you in the music hall.
  16. Whuttabooouuuut me?

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