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Easiest Weed Tea Recipe [Microwave]

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by wizkhalifa1, Sep 21, 2010.

  1. Not sure how 2 grams of Mids equals out to 15 bong rips of Blue Dream...:D
  2. Okay about 2 hours after consuming the tea and the left overs.

    I'm really baked, like I can't focus at all. Highest I've been in a while. I think consuming the left overs are what got me the highest though.
  3. I'd tend to agree Taylor. Even when made properly over the course of several hours (or even several days), I recommend saving the 'waste' material to re-process with fresh oil, glycerine, or whatever you're using for your extraction medium.

    So with such a brief processing time, you'd absolutely want to save the remains for eating or future processing, otherwise it's safe to assume you're throwing out over half the effective content of the material (getting less than half the bang for your buck, in other words).

  4. Yeah I totally agree. This guide is basically for people who have large amounts of shitty weed to turn into quick edibles.

    I forgot to add that I ate the leftover weed as well. The tea gives a pretty good high but its eating the bud thats had its THC activated by the microwave that sets it over the top.

    ^ This and drinking the tea is bomb.

    You get, like I said, kinda stoned off the tea alone but in conjuction with eating the bud, you just are annihilated.
  5. Does it smell to make it?
  6. Not that bad imo
  7. Bumpy Mc Bump
  8. I hav one question:After making the tea, can I smoke the leftover weed?
  9. Not unless you dry it out. It has to be in liquid for the THC to leave the MJ and bind with the fat cells of the milk, so yeah its gonna not be smokeable for a little while. The microwave doesnt release all the THC thats why I eat the remaining weed rather than waiting to smoke it.
  10. Your my hero OP. This stuff is amazing. This recipe made me feel like I melted into my chair. I am so baked right now listening to dubstep. I <3 WIZKHALIFA1!!
  11. lol....ooook wiz, taking it too far here man
  12. Funny you should say that. My roommate (who is a dumbass) self posted and spammed this thread and created the account thats above you. Dont mind him hes just baked. I would delete all the posts but I just dont feel like it. :rolleyes:
  13. lol ok, well hats off to you, i still have yet to try this, cant wait though :)
  14. i want to try this but i have an important question.

    would it be possible to make the tea exactly as the recipe says, but then maybe let it cool and put it in a plastic bottle in the fridge for later?
    would it have the same effect or would the temp change negate it?

    i dont think it will but i want to check and make sure i dont waste a bunch of weed

    also, would it work to use just 1 gram or maybe .5 gram instead of 2? everyone who says they did it with 2 say they got really really high. what if i just want a regular high?
  15. 1. You can store it in the fridge for as long as milk lasts.
    2. You can change the dosage at your discretion because more weed = more high
  16. Could you just boil up some water in a jug and use that instead of boiling the water in a microwave?
  17. It can't be water, it has to be milk with a high fat content. THC is not water soluble.

    Just to reiterate, you are not getting all the potency out of your weed this way. Even when you eat it at the end, it's wasting well over half the potency. Microwaving for a few moments simply is not enough time to extract all the THC, and it isn't nearly enough time to cause it to bond to the fats, this is just a super-fast and slightly more discreet way to make a low-potency edible/drinkable, when you can't use your stove for whatever reason to make a real batch.

    With a few extra hours of processing (it's not that hard, you just set it and forget it for the most part) you could be pouring this golden canna oil into your cocoa or tea, instead of the chocolate frosting shown, and it will take half the herb to give you a better buzz.


    So no jugs of water :) Read around, there are a TON of good recipes here that will give you a better understanding of what's required to get the most bang for your buck. Good luck!
  18. Isn't "really good regs" an oxymoron? Kinda like jumbo shrimp.:smoke:
  19. I know this way is very inefficient. I just wanted to make a tut for people "on the go" so to speak because some people have no patience. I can wake up before school brew some in like 5 mins and I'm gonna be really high. Sure, its inefficient but hey, I'm getting baked so its all good. :smoke:

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