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How do you know if your weed has been laced?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Recovery1CDR, Sep 19, 2010.

  1. Hello! Alright so i just moved and finally found a hookup. He sold me 2g of kush for $20 and was hella sketch about it. So tonight i smoked a nice bowl of it and got pretty stoned, but later laying in bed it felt like my teeth were on fire and i had this feeling like something was on my head and a tickling in my ball sack. Was my bud just really really good or was it laced? How would i tell, via smell, look and high?
  2. Not laced. Probably just better than what you're used to. As for the tickling of the ball sack...might wanna get that checked out...
  3. Certain parasites live in weed sometimes.
    They're tiny and when you use the green they can get in through micro-cavities your teeth and head for a temperature controlled area to multiply/live, in the male this is the testicles.
  4. yeah you just smoked a thc worm probably. it happens.
  5. I doubt it was laced, you were probably just really high. At $20 a gram, lacing doesn't make sense, harder drugs are a lot more expensive than that.

    In general, unless you're the most unlucky person alive, you only end up with laced weed, if you intentionally bought laced weed.

  6. ahh THC worm? what is this?

  7. a myth, don't worry about it

  8. oh ok, thanks man
  9. They would be losing money if they laced it, unless they laced it with some household product.
  10. Lacing usually happens with hair products, can't remember whatever they were called thought.. ah, HAIRSPRAY!

    Anyway, it just gives a bad taste and is unhealthy, but not of what you described.

    There is also PCP which could be used for lacing, but is just so rare. It's cheap to make, but requires a lab.

    The weed they sell here is most often laced, you can tell by the crackling while you smoke a joint or take a hit from the bong. The crackling sound gives it away.

    As for your experience, propably blazed. If I were to tell my experiences, people would tell me that I took LSD from some, and from others they would tell that I smoked tree leaves.
  11. weed can crackle when its wet too
  12. !!!

  13. pretty sure noone laces weed. but thats just from my experience.
  14. you will know. depending on what it is. and people usually know when their weed is laced and choose to buy it like that. it costs more money, cause its weed and another drug combined. so why would dealers sell it as weed and loose money
  15. If it was laced you would probably feel your tongue begin to numb after the first hit or two.
    Also, any weed can be laced if it is handled by someone "cutting" something on the same table for example
    My point being that any amount of weed can be laced intentionally or not
  16. I was looking for the thread a couple weeks ago where the kid "smoked weed laced with PCP". I wish I could quote that right now. So I guess I have to paraphrase.

    Long story short, if you attack your two friends, incapacitating the one and scaring the other one off so he locks himself in the bathroom, and before your aforementioned incapacitated friend can escape you begin gnawing on his exposed flesh and have to be knocked out with a lamp you might have smoked laced marihuana.
  17. If you go over to your friend's house to smoke up before class and he hands you a resiny bowl and states "this is going to make you super high."

    He'd just handed me an opium bowl.

    Never had a run-in with laced pot, but come on, that's pretty weak not to tell someone that something's different. :mad:

  18. :laughing:

    But OP your bud was most likely not laced, just better quality then you are used it..

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