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MMJ for chronic hives

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by irishndfan2, Mar 16, 2010.

  1. I know that doctors do not perscribe MMJ for chronic hives but I think that cannabis prevents me from breaking out into hives. I have had chronic hives for the past 5 years. I break out into hives all over my face, neck, chest, legs whenever i get crazy nervous or sweat at any time. Now its gotten better over the years but i still break out at least once a day. Its not always stress related too. It got to the point where i could be hanging out laying in bed and just start thinking about hives and ill break out all over my body. When i started smoking cannabis two years ago, my hives went away for a year. Instead of breaking out into hives i was just sweat it out. People will say that maybe the marijuana allowed me to relax and that prevented my hives but how does that explain all the times when i was in a stress free enviornment and still broke out? I stopped smoking because I went down to college and i live in the dorms and since then I have started to break out again. Over christmas and spring break I started smoking again and it seemed that my hives stayed away, not only when i was high, but the rest of the day even when the high was comming down and eventually wore off. Now i dont live in a medical state(PA, and VA for school) but if PA passes a medical bill do you think id have a legit argument for my doctor? Ive tried so many different allergy medicines and none work, marijuana is the only thing that seems to work. I started doing some research aswell and basically what causes me to have hives is I have high Histamine levels. Well marijuana is an antihistamine and lowers histamine levels. So im guessing maybe that is why it prevents my hives? Anyways hopefully PA passes the law and maybe Id have a legit reason. If not i guess ill just have to self prescribe my medicine from the streets....


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