Smoking with matches?

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by Ninty, Sep 9, 2009.

  1. I've got to assume smoking with sulfur based matches are bad for you. But today I was desperate and wound up smoking with matches. My question is how bad are these for you?

    I did have the forethought to light the match and then hold it upside down and let it burn the wood then smoked off that.
  2. Matches are actually my preferred method. Especially with bongs. Its really easy to only light a little bit of green but get a huge hit when using matches. Its a lot easier to control the area you want compared to a lighter. I notice that it almost lasts 2x as long while using matches :D.
  3. Inhaling sulfur fumes is bad just like inhaling any kind of smoke fumes/chemicals. I personally wouldn't use matches when I dont need to but sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures.
  4. Dude what he said about controlling the area is true, but you DON'T HAVE TO USE MATCHES TO DO THAT! Get some HEMP WICK! its pure hemp string dipped in bees wax its completely natural, no chemicals, and you can still control the area you burn perfectly, its only like 2 bucks a roll too, trust me dude go get some :D
  5. Yeah man I used to smoke with matches when my bic died.

    With the last match I would light a candle and use it to light the unburnt end of the used matches.

    Getto right? I wasn't smoking weed though ;)
  6. I've been intending to get some beeline for a while but haven't gotten around to it yet.

    I don't think anything will top the time I used a grill to light a piece of paper to smoke off of at 4 in the morning. I had some bad insomnia.
  7. I don't mind using matches. I always let it burn for a second to burn off the sulfur before putting the fire to the herb.

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