Qwiso/Hash/BHO Question for beginner

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by banandon, Aug 30, 2009.

  1. I've never really tried this and I wanted to but do yo think I can use like 7 grams of mids? Would that have a good end result? Also what are the differences exactly?
  2. Qwiso is using ISO alcohol to extract THC. after the alcohol evaporates, you scrape the hash off the plate you dried it on.

    BHO is butane honey oil, AKA running butane through buds and purging for very potent oil

    if you use 7 grams of mids I think you could get a decent yield making Qwiso...better candidate for hash making with shitty material...but probably about 1g of mediocre potentcy

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