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Legal to smoke in public? (California)

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by purple4, May 17, 2009.

  1. That's not 100% true. It's the cannabinoids that supress tumors and cancers. The smoke itself can cause bronchial problems. Vaping or eating is the best way to get the full anti cancer properites without irritating lung tissue.

    I said nothing about smoking cannabis causing cancer btw. I stated a fact, and it is a fact, that any smoke is bad for the lungs to one extent or another. There is soot and tar in it that doesn't do nice things to lung tissue.

  2. Most likely they would charge you with possession of a controlled substance, possibly a felony. You present your documentation in court and either they dismiss it or you go to trial. If they are jerks you will go to trial and have to cite the law to prove you did nothing illegal. It is even possible a jury would find against you even though the law is clear - it is NOT illegal to medicate in public.

    The thing is, in the 70s the federal government created double penalty zones around schools and so forth for drug crimes. Since then it appears to me that most towns have planned so that nothing is more than 1,000 feet from a school, recreation area, et. cet. So you're probably not going to find a place that is not within 1,000 feet of a this, that, or the other thing.

    Maybe Google Earth would be useful, but when I need to medicate I don't have time to get Google Earth on the laptop and figure out if I'm within 1,000 feet of this, that, or the other thing. And I refuse to carry a 1,000' tape measure around with me.

    Life is hard enough.
  3. #23 palmspringsbum, May 17, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2009
    Yes, I do have to smoke all day, every day. Most cannabis patients do.

    And it takes more than three hours to take a bus to the grocery store, buy groceries, and get back on the bus. Or do anything via public transit.

    As for the city council meetings - they go on for hours and hours...

    ...the ignorance and prejudice that seems to pervade this place is truly staggering.

    And smoking ANYTHING in ANY public building, toilet or anything else, is illegal and they will cite and it costs more than possession.
  4. #24 palmspringsbum, May 17, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2009
    Firstly, I don't think the people in the Tashkin study vaporized. In fact, I know they didn't.

    Secondly, cannabis has been used by asthmatics for decades. It's a bronchial dialator and an expectorate. It cleans out the lungs.

    Besides, I can't afford a fancy vaporizor and all those gadgets designed to exploit patients. I have more month than marijuana as it is.
  5. I was not criticizing your choices. Vaping is healthier than smoking, plain and simple. I smoke most of mine because I prefer to. I was just pointing out facts. YES there are benefits from smoking, but those benefits are diluted somewhat by the negative aspects of smoke.
  6. Im not saying that im gonna be walkin round smokin blunts in public, but if i went to a little park or somthin near my house, and just wanted to chill and smoke a bowl, with noone round, and a cop came up outa nowhere and caught me. what would i get charged with? i diddnt make this thread about "courtesy issues", just trying to find out the law...
  7. #27 palmspringsbum, May 17, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2009
    In California all state parks will soon be non-smoking if they are not allready. Your county or town may vary.

    As for courtesy issues, I think it's high time medical marijuana patients got some respect.

    Here in Santa Cruz last month they evicted an 86 year old WWII veteran for smoking (cigarettes) in her apartment. Her name is Alice Welsh and she served her country as a Marine during WWII. When she was 79 they told her she had to quit smoking or they would throw her out of her subsidized housing. Now she's 86 and still kicking so they're going to throw her out in the street. I imagine she probably got Winstons in her K-rations. (Anyone here remember those K-rations?)

    Smokers are the new N-word.

    The prejudice and discrimination smokers face here in California is exactly the same as blacks faced in Alabama in 1950.

    Myself, I just don't understand why a non-smoker should be able to go anywhere, anytime, and not be exposed to smoke. I don't understand why parks and other public areas shouldn't have smoking areas. I don't understand why businesses are prohibited by law from catering to smokers. I don't understand why housing, particularly subsidized housing for the poor and disabled, can prohibit smoking.

    It seems to me non-smokers have absolutely no respect or consideration for smokers. And they're PROUD of it. And I am sick and tired of it. I think it's time medical marijuana patients got some respect, and accomodation.

    I don't like it. I don't like the taste. And I don't like sucking the smoke out of a balloon.

    And isn't it wasteful? What do you do with the half a balloon full of smoke that you don't need? Put it in the closet for later?

    I carry at least 1 joint with me at all times. If I need to, I can take a couple of hits and then snub it out and put it back in my cigarette pack. It's kinda hard to do that with a balloon....

  8. I don't like it. I don't like the taste. And I don't like sucking the smoke out of a balloon.

    And isn't it wasteful? What do you do with the half a balloon full of smoke that you don't need? Put it in the closet for later?
  9. Are you fucking kidding? There is so much wrong with that statement. Why should people who choose not to smoke have to smell your stinkin ass cigs and be exposed to the carcinogens? And what the fuck does that have to do with black people?
  10. #30 palmspringsbum, May 18, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2009

    I take it you're the kind of person that would walk into a smoke filled bar and tell everyone to put their cigarettes out because you're there?

    Why would you want to go there in the first place?

    As for what it has to do with black people, in the 6 years I have lived in Santa Cruz every subsidized housing project they have approved prohibits smoking. In the apartments and on the grounds. Smoking in your apartment in Santa Cruz in subsidized housing is cause for eviction.

    That is discrimination.

    I grew up in Alabama, and I lived through the race riots there. It was in my home town that they burned the Freedom Riders bus. I grew up seeing signs saying "colored lunch counter", "colored water fountain", "colored toilet". That's exactly what I see in California today, except everything is "white's only" and there is no "smoking lunch counter", no "smoking park", no smoking anything.
  11. I smoke in public all the time. Why would I smoke inside on beautiful days?

    I do use courtesy though. I won't blaze up anywhere because you will cause unwanted attention. I have been stopped by a cop for smoking out in front of a building and he just was telling me that I should be more discrete about it and not flaunt it around. Nothing happened because I reminded him that under 215 I can legally smoke where smoking is allowed (I carry the laws with my recommendation also).

    I don't blaze around kids and I try to find some off the way spot to smoke. But fuck smoking inside all the time. And no I do not have a back yard. Also I have the i-inhale and it works great:smoking:

    I bet if you blazed up in a crowd of non-smokers you would get the police on you and they wouldn't care about your recommendation. You would probably have to go to court but I wouldn't see how you could lose.

    Many changes to marijuana laws will be coming now that the state is accepting the fact that marijuana is here to stay.
  12. We need the government to control our culture:rolleyes:

    Seriously...smoking cigs is decreasing. California is at 85 percent non-smokers or something like that. The biggest factor is health education on cigs. If you really care, then you deal with it. Be an ass and go up to every smoker and bitch at them. Get others to do it. Try to make the change yourself, hand out pamphlets. You don't need the government for everything...

    California is one the least "freeist" states in the country and our cig laws are not helping...
    Charlotte Gun Rights Examiner: What is your state's Freedom Index?

    No coincidence that the most conservative states with least government are doing the best in this recession.
  13. #33 falcon10911, May 18, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2009
    Are you on a power trip or something? People have no control over their race or how they look. Smokers aren't being singled out of everyone by taking away their luxury of being able to smoke. People do have control over a smoking lifestyle that they choose to have. Nobody said you have to smoke cigarettes. Cannabis is different of course, but you can't automatically have the right to expose people to cannabis and tobacco that try to avoid that for their own reasons. May that be health wise, or just their mind set. Just because you choose to, or have to smoke, you don't earn the right to do it around whoever, whenever.

    I can see where you're coming from though, I smoke cigs myself. It's just not fair to people that don't smoke to smoke in areas where they are. Exposing them to the smoke they want to avoid.

    You don't have to vape using a volcano, which is what I'm guessing you're talking about. It's far from wasteful, the lower heat releases more of the cannibinoids that are destroyed at higher temperatures. It makes a little cannabis go a looong way. And just finish that 'balloon' it's only a couple of hits.
  14. They are going to legalize in Calif. they will tax it $50.00 an once for retailers. you may even have to get a stamp to grow it. one of the main purposes for the legalization is to put an end to some of the crap in Mexico that has been happening and to fill the hole in the deficit. the governater is a toker by his own admission soon we all will have our medicine. toker or not good manners should be practiced not every one wants smoke in their lungs
  15. So i figured because of california safetly code 12.. w/e i can smoke within [FONT=&quot]

    In or within 1,000 feet of the grounds of a school, recreation
    [/FONT][FONT=&quot]center, or youth center, unless the medical use occurs within a[/FONT][FONT=&quot]residence.

    so i went on google maps and just typed

    [/FONT]category:"schools" loc: California 93117

    category:"Youth Organizations Centers & Clubs" loc: California 93117
    category:"Recreation center" loc: California 93117

    and its the locations for all those places, trying to figure out how to put them all in "Mp maps" so i can just look them all up at once (especially good if have an iphone) and just see if im in a good spot if im just walkin around... cant figure out how to do it though, would be easier then putting all 3 in bookmarks..pretty high right now..

  16. if its in a blunt then people just think ts a cigar, just deny the smell.
  17. you must also realise that people dont want to be around smoke.
  18. #38 lwien, May 18, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2009
    What in the fuck are you talking about? MOST of the vapes out there DO NOT use a balloon.

    Secondly, it is LESS wasteful than any kind of smoking that you can do. You get more medicated using less weed than you can with any kind of smoking method that you can come up with.

    You mentioned you couldn't afford one. How bout 50 bucks for a VaporGenie. And with the amount that you will save in using less herb, that vaporizer will pay for itself in no time.

    I use MJ for medical reasons also, so I have no problem in telling you to get off your high horse and just use some fucking common sense. Medicate BEFORE you leave your house, and then, take a portable vape (less smell) with you that you can use in any restroom that you go to.........and guess what? You can even take a piss in there if you desire.

    I read all of your posts, and I find it a bit insane that you THINK that just because you are a medical user that you are some kind of privileged character. MJ IS an intoxicant, and in most places I know, it is illegal to partake in intoxicating substances in public.

    I don't know what your medical condition is, but what I do know is that it is affecting the part of your brain that allows you to use common sense.

    Even though medical MJ is legal in California, there are still certain municipalities where it is illegal. Where I live, in Arcadia, is such a place. You will get arrested here, even WITH an MJ card, so check out the local laws, for apparently, they can trump state laws.

  19. ROFLMAO :p
  20. Oh so you have had people beat the shit out of you for smoking? You have had people murder your family members because you fought for your right to smoke? You've been turned down from high powered well paying jobs because you smoke? You sir are an idiot with severe delusions of grandeur. You are not being persecuted, you are just being inconvenienced. What disease exactly do you have that requires you to smoke all day everyday for it to work? If that is the case maybe medical marijuana is not a suitable treatment for you. Maybe you should switch to something else.

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