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Marijuana-Blood vessel constriction?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Baseballa305, Mar 17, 2009.

  1. ii would think it lower blood pressure as the blood vessels dilate, which is most evident in my presently red eyes after a vaporgenie bowl of haze and gg, but your blood pressure will go up if you workout :smoking: or if you really getted excited about some actovoty.

    bella why don't you vape/burn and measure your blood pressure again.

  2. No, weed is good for diabetes, can help save you from glaucoma, for example. Or just all around improve circulation. My feet where always cold and shit (though not in danger) after I'd been diabetic for a while, and it stopped when I started smoking.
  3. I have heart valve abnormalities, my mitral is mildly prolapsed and my tricuspid's a bi aorta leaks. I'm 19 and heart specialists say It's fine to smoke in moderation that I'm young enough to have a little strain. I shouldn't doupt them, I've had episodes while high where my heartrate was at 160-190 for almost an hour, scared shitless, and I was ok.

  4. I rolled myself a j and decided to try working out high for the first time...As soon as I got to the gym I took my bp and it was a bit lower than las titme. I took my bp a few times throughout my workout, and found that by the end, my bp was DRASTICALLY lower than it was at standing (like before I was even high--compared to measuring it at the Shoppers a day or 2 before... although the time of day could have seriously changed the results). Also, my pulse was fucking FLYING! I did a set on cardio, then moved to weights, and when i went back to cardio for a half hour on the cross trainer, my hr was at like, 174! That seems very very high to me, but I dont really know...
  5. hahaa this data, ye data shows that cannabis has clear and profound vasodilating affects. ye your pulse is pretty high but your heart muscle enjoys a nice workout too, an estimation of your MAX pulse rate is 220-age#. what is great is that your blood pressure remained low as your arteries, cappillaries and other blood vessel are dilated to accomdate your heart which is now beating faster and pumping more blood, and O2, nutrients and wastes out of muslces so you can do your cardio . thanks for the info these results put :D on my face.

    so ye cannabis is defintely a blood vessel dilator not constrictor
  6. Hi,
    I recently had some kind of "light" surgery with my nose, it took like 15min but doctor said I can't drink alcohol for a week because it dilates blood vessels.
    Here's my question - can I smoke weed? I can't find any good infromation about it, info on the internet is not really clear.
    I'd really appreciate quick answer!
  7. I wouldn't risk it, but hey, think of a as a nice T-break!:D
  8. It will take me more time than I have this AM to go find my sources and I'll use the word Cannabinoids instead of MJ because there may be better cannabinoids for the issue than THC or CBD. The general upshot is that cannabinoids do some very statin like things in the circulatory system. Especially the endocannabinoids DHEA and EPEA our bodies make from the Omega-3 fats found in hemp seed oil and if you want the hash oil of it Krill Oil reduce the inflammation in the circulitory system and also reduces the plaques that form dissolving them safely so they can be eliminated.

    I did run 2 searches for you the first inquires about DHA and EPA the upstream fats your body makes DHEA and EPEA from:

    The the second will show that DHA and EPA are made into cannabinoids by your body:

    This is not to say that THC wont provide aid and comfort in a heart attack victim's recovery, just that Omega-3 fats support THC and that EPEA and DHEA from the Omega-3 fats are playing on the same team as the THC.
  9. You should look through this search and we're back to Omega-3's and I at least one other oil that is converted into another endocannabinoid by our bodies. I just don't remember which:
  10. doesn't green restrict blood vessels to tumors hence why it slows the growth? so there for restricting the flow? I've recently lost a thumb and had toe transfer so hesitant to smoke as i dont want to damage flow to new "thumb"
  11. #31 Galaxy420, Jul 3, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 3, 2015
    cannabis lowers blood pressure so it would be expanding the veins' avenues unlike refined salt that constricts veins leading to high blood pressure

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