my plant have mold wot do i do

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by big_daz, Feb 24, 2009.

  1. my plants are 8 weeks into flower can i cut the steam with the mold on it will my plant still grow (dame blance) plz help
  2. #2 KelvinoBMX, Feb 24, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 24, 2009
    Heres some info I Found on the site, Its a Sticky in the sick plants section written by a dude named stylez1877.

    Grey Mold/Fungus (Botrytis) - Botrytis blight or gray mold is a fungus disease which infects a wide array of herbaceous annual and perennial plants. There are several species of the fungus Botrytis which can cause blights; the most common is Botrytis cinerea. Botrytis infections are favored by cool (60 degrees Fahrenheit or 15 degrees Celsius), rainy spring and summer weather. Gray mold can be particularly damaging when rainy, drizzly weather continues over several days. Look for masses of silver-gray spores on infected plant parts that are growing in humid areas. Tiny, black, shiny specks might also be seen embedded in diseased plant tissue. These are sclerotia of Botrytis: they allow the fungus to survive the winter. Botrytis blight can affect leaves, stems, crowns, flowers, flower buds, seeds, seedlings, bulbs, and just about any other part of a plant with the exception of the roots.

    Solution - The best way to manage this disease is by inspection and sanitation. Remove infected flowers, leaves, or the entire plant if it's infected at the base, and take it away from your grow area before dispose if it. It is best not to do any sanitation when plants are wet since this could spread fungal spores during conditions which favor infection. Likewise avoid overhead watering, or misting plants especially if you have had trouble in the past. To promote rapid drying of plants space them to allow good air circulation. Sanitation alone is not sufficient to control this fungus. The fungus can produce 60,000 or more spores on a piece of plant tissue the size of your small finger nail. Even one spore can infect a plant and cause disease. So, avoid injuring plants in any way. Do not leave large stubs of stems when taking cuttings. Ventilate your grow space to prevent high humidity conditions. Even lowering the humidity slightly can have a significant effect on Botrytis. Outdoor planting should be planned to provide good air circulation patterns. This is the most important means of stopping this fungus. Added protection is available for many crops by applying a fungicide or combination of fungicides. However, Botrytis can develop resistance to certain chemicals. An ozone treatment is also an option, ozone is excellent for decimating spore counts in the grow room and a decent UV tube unit placed high in the room with a fan blowing through it can reduce dramatically the risk of botrytis.

    If You Think Even Slightly You Have Black Mold GO HERE NOW:
  3. What does hxxp:// have to do with this issue? You going to spray the plants with it? lol
  4. I have ten plants that are flowering. I had a weak one that the buds turned brown and died. I noticed on one of my best looking plants that an almost silver patch on a couple of its leaves. I found the same thing on another plant. I'm growing outside and isolated those plants from the rest. I've been watching all of them closely everyday for bud rot. Should I be worried? Or is this common? Ill post some pics soon.
  5. I want to receive this thread... for the first time I am dealing with some mold issues. The kind that looks like spider webs and the kind that looks like little circular patches of mold. I personally have just been cutting off the buds that show mold but I keep finding new spots!!

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