Best thing to mix with Jack Daniel's

Discussion in 'General' started by GrandaddyPurps, Oct 3, 2008.

  1. Im a Jack daniels Freak!!

    i mixed it with loads of things even with milk, the best thing to mix with jd is nothing hahah just jd with ice.

    any mix is just a waste to me
  2. im a henny man myself. and i like my liquor strait up.

    just take some shots and you good money. or find sumthin else you like more..
  3. Coke.

    Do you really have to ask??
  4. I personally dont add anything to my scotch and whiskey drinks b/c the loss of flavor.
  5. haha drinking it now, after smoking a morning blunt... gonna get cross faded.

    Drinking it with alittle sobe for flavor, it aint bad. but i think i still prefer vodka. haha but whatever gets the job done :smoking:
  6. Mountain Dew = Mountain Jack
  7. Saliva?

    (drink it straight it'll put hairs on your chest)
  8. on the rocks a lil lemon juice. .

    delish shit right there
  9. I love jack and ginger ale. You wont find anything better tasting
  10. Neat (one shot water) with one ice cube

    if you ever get a chance to tour the distillary.. it's a fuckin great tour.. the ironic part is that the county that the distillary is located is a dry county
  11. Root Beer... the root beer taste goes hand in hand with the whiskey's flavor. You have to find the right kind of root beer... some aren't nearly as good as others... Barq's is really good.
  12. Jack Daniels and some pussy on the side.
  13. thats me:D

    straight with ice altho i do prefer scotch so johnny black will do.
  14. sour mix and a cherry? whiskey sours are the only way i can enjoy whiskey, tbh..
  15. If you don't like it with coke try dr. pepper? Or just take shots dude.
  16. Pibb extra aso known as Mr. Pibb goes great with JD
  17. I can get Vernor's in Illinois. Tastes like shit though lol
  18. sour mix baby, whiskey sours all night!

    EDIT: damn, someone beat me to it...and its a girl...umm...staright up, no sour mix, loljk

  19. hahah, i may be a girl but i can hold my liquor like a duuuude. i guess that's not something i should brag about, though..

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