Am I having withdrawal symptoms? *Nausea, loss of apetite*

Discussion in 'General' started by norcalstoner, Apr 29, 2008.

  1. smoking cigarettes has proved to kill about 50% of people who smoke, yet the 50% that don't die of smoking related diseases don't go around saying " bro your lungs arent hurting bro you just need another cancer stick, here". Just because YOU personally haven't experienced any physical withdrawal symptoms of cannabis does not give you the right to tell some poor kid to go smoke a bowl when his system is obviously not OK with it at the moment. I have smoked pot heavily for about 3 years. At first, it was great, you smoke some weed, feel really good, eat some munchies and go to bed. thats what the DRUG does for you. Curbs anxiety, helps you sleep, helps you eat. Now, the same way that a coffee drinker is lethargic and has headaches if not given his daily dose of java, a pot smoker who has spent potentially years with his brain chemistry altered is obviously going to experience at least some sort of withdrawal if trying to quit cold turkey. For me, I have had bouts of what i thought was cyclic vomiting syndrome for the past year and a half. Much like a lot of you it seems, i denied it, claiming it must be some other underlying condition. Now it seems more real than ever. I have been away from work for the last ten days. Every morning( after smoking the night before) i would feel the most intense and bizarre hunger pangs imaginable. Like when you're so hungry that you can't get food down. i was off work because i figured i was just not taking care of myself so i should just smoke some weed and try and eat more. THIS IS THE VICIOUS CYCLE. after about a week of this i decided that this pot is not doing any good for me anymore. I am clean for about two days now and the attacks are getting less and less severe. The important thing, anyway, is that its personal. You cant really take advice from some weed warrior who could be having the same symptoms but is just too hard headed to admit that MJ might be the cause. I read a good article about marijuana hyperemesis on the mayo clinic(sound legit enough). i would give you a link but im lazy and dont feel good lol

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  2. One of the greatest internet posts of all time especially pertaining to weed. There is just an incredible amount of bs statements that some pot smokers accept as fact. I especially love the Marijuana hasn't killed anyone. HAHAHA. WHO THE FUCK HAS SMOKED A CIGARETTE AND DIED 10 SECONDS AFTER. Cigarettes don't kill people, cigarettes cause diseases like cancer, heart failure, eye problems etc. and these conditions kill you. Isn't it possible that Joe's daily marijuana use contributed to his dementia at age 61? Entirely. You'll be hard pressed to find a study or medical record declaring marijuana use as a major cause of any of the various mental diseases that kill people. However, it's certain that marijuana has contributed to mental disease (or even increased stress) in countless people that had eventually led to death. BTW I smoke everyday, love the shit. But, I have a brain and can think critically about relationships between things, something that I have only seen from you on this forum. The cannabinoid receptor system helps regulate appetite, mood, and memory. All things altered by marijuana. And then people proceed to state that marijuana can not cause adverse effects on these systems in any way.
  3. #23 Captain_Jack, Oct 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 11, 2014
    It's not mental.. It happens to most people when they stop smoking after a long period of smoking. Whenever I go on t-breaks, the first night I have trouble sleeping. The next day or two I'll find that I'm not hungry. It'll go away in a few days, but I only smoke like .3 a day. To combat the nausea, I've found that soda and pretzels ease my stomach

    Remember, you can "withdraw" from anything. It doesn't have to be addictive. Once your body gets used to something regularly over an extended period of time, it's going to be confused when you stop giving it what it's used to. Just wait it our for about a week max and you'll be good

    Happy toking!

    Sent from four score and seven years ago

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