Shrooms Pill Form?

Discussion in 'General' started by bdlb5505, Nov 21, 2007.

  1. alright so ive been trying to get shrooms for awhile now and im getting them tommorow in pill form do u guys kno ne thing about that?
  2. my bet is

    if you want shrooms buy shrooms, not a pill

  3. i wouldnt bother with that stuff.. it could always just be some random chemical that has similar effects as shrooms, but in fact could be much more dangerous for you (similar to how some people sell off pills that are an eighth ecstasy and then 7/8 heroine, and tell the people they sell them to that they are just ecstasy pills)
  4. depends how they are pills.

    if they are pressed, like tablets, probably not what you want

    if they are capsules, they are probably just filled with ground shrooms, and your good to go.

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