Clever Pipe Names

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by My Fax, Mar 1, 2007.

  1. Bong is named the Vibe. You feel it?
    Bowl is Adriana Lima. The mouth piece looks just like her nipple.
    Chillum is the Little Fucker. Usually what I'm mumbling when I'm trying to find it.
    I have a little 3/16th socket that I put a screen in and smoke out of, named it Juggernaut.
    (Sounds lame, but it works great and I have a lot of memories with it.)

    I used to name blunts, but it seemed too much like naming livestock.
    You can't become attached to something then kill it.
    Or you at least can't become attached to a blunt and still plan on smoking it.
    Either or.
  2. Ivan the Terrible
  3. I named my bowl "Tyler Durden"

    cause it said to me "I want you to hit me as hard as you can"
  4. The Meat Wagon
    Selsius aka Vazoogie
    The Grandbrother
    Skrimps (rip)
    Purple Rain
    Agnes Woodcock
  5. My handmade wood pipe is named "Woody"
  6. Back in the day I had two 1 gallon Arizona Tea jugs connected with about 8 1/4" hoses that were diffused. INCREDIBLE amounts of drag so I hooked a bike tire pump to it :D

    Anyways... named it "Gorganopolothon" :cool:

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