Aliens Inside Us

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by oregonian420, Feb 10, 2016.

  1. Anyone ever head of Starseeds? Indigo Children?

    If these types of souls exist and can be proven to function at a different vibrational frequency by testing it through electromagnetic signals produced by the brain, is it possible that the extraterrestrial life we have been searching for is already inside us?

    Not different types of bodies but different types of souls. How is it that some are human to the very core but others have a deep longing for something familiar (like home) though they have never experienced it?

    Personally, I am extremely homesick. I remember things that I've never experienced and find things familiar when it is my first time being exposed to such an idea/person/place/object. Where is the line between mental illness and extraterrestrial souls drawn?
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  2. I don't think those are the only two options. Perhaps reincarnation, or morphic resonance or something else.
  3. Of course they're not the only two, I was just naming a few examples. :) given that, what do you think of the idea in general?
  4. I don't rule much out, I stay pretty open minded.

    I suppose if I had similar feelings that you are having, I'd put more thought into it, and try to figure out why I felt this way.

    Have you ever tried past life regression therapy? Basically being hypnotized and discovering who you were in a previous life?
  5. Btw, mental illness IMO is not well understood. We say they aren't normal, and maybe they aren't, but they could also be experiencing a part of reality that our brains are not perceiving. Like they are stuck between realms or are in another reality more than they are in this one.
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  6. I have heard of it but I'm not one much for hypnotism. I've tried other types for therapies and it just never worked out.

    In my opinion, I need to find another being with similar feelings who can guide me. Also, meditation is the best medication! (Besides MJ of course hah).
  7. I can't say I would go for hypnotism either, but if you could build a relationship with a hypnotist or find a person you feel is safe

    I don't know much about it, I only know of it from a concept album of a band I like haha. It was pretty provocative.

  8. "Mental illness" is pretty damn broad..
  9. We are here to assist in evolution of consciousness.

  10. I've always felt a nostalgia for times in places I did not exist in. At least not in this shape and form.

    It comes out strongest in nature, especially when alone and on European soil. I'm not one to claim to see or feel "energies" but I do feel when a place has a heavier "atmosphere" than others. Some have reported this on historic sites where great battles had taken place, or even haunted houses etc. I feel it just out in the woods, no specific historical relevance necessary.

    I don't believe in reincarnation, nor do I believe in past lives, at least not on paper. However, I am not willing to say with 100% certainty that there aren't links between us and the past that go on beyond the simple passing on of genes. Perhaps it's epigenetics, or an even deeper passing on of DNA where far more of our ancestors is present here with us and what we feel is their connection to their past. For all we know, we are a culmination of thousands of ancestors and given the right time and place, some of them can be triggered in yet unexplained ways. It would certainly explain some of the sensations I feel at times.

  11. are you sure you're not fattening us up?
  12. I suppose I do get a feeling like that in nature, I attribute it to a lot of small influences. Lack of people, radiation, perhaps extra oxygen, the sounds, altered brainwaves due to the peacefulness etc.

    But more to your point about Oni, I feel like that when it comes to American Indians. I have no visions or memories of ever being one or anything, but when I think about them, I feel differently toward them than any other peoples. I was never really into Indians as a child, they were always the bad guys in Westerns. Perhaps it is a deep empathy. Hearing their songs/chants touches my soul in a very profound way as well.
  13. I was out in the woods the other day, right after a heavy snow fall. Everything was white and the sun was starting to break through. I had just downed a powerful edible and went for a snow jog until it began to kick in. Then I broke out into a silent chant that was Native American in nature. I wasn't trying for it or looking to be weird. It just came out purely organically. A few seconds into it I even pulled out my phone to record it because I (the real me) was confused as to wth was going on. I had no idea where this chant was coming from. I'm not a chanting person, this just happened.

  14. I do not think the idea of aliens inside us is sign of mental illness. If the aliens inside you start talking, you should consider talking to someone about it.

    On a scientific level things on the electromagnetic spectrum are easy to measure.

    I do have flashbacks to things that are not in my life, but I believe it is mostly influenced by nostalgia that other people feel.
  15. Reminded me of this old commercial from the 90's.

  16. You know when you don't have internet for a while and all of a sudden you can connect and feel great to start surfing the web and learning and catching up with everything you missed?

    Well when i walk in the silent virgin woods/forests bare feet and nothing but fresh air and natural sounds of nature i feel the connection 100x more powerful. Its like I'm all of a sudden in some sort of meditative state vibrating and collecting all sorts of information and i feel more peace than ever.

  17. That is my rejuvenation as well. I start to go softly insane if I can't get out in nature.
  18. I currently live near a giant forest full of biking and hiking trails, waterfalls, giant ancient trees, etc. These are northern European woods that inspired old school fairy tales. Minus the colorful graphics, it basically looks like below. Needless to say, elevated walks/biking is quite nice.


  19. Awesome, some time you'll invite me out, I'm sure of it.
  20. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Sometimes you just feel the way you feel. You don't owe anyone explanation or have to justify it to anyone, you just feel what you feel. When how you feel causes you to act, or not act, decide or not decide in an irrational manner, then there may be concern. The hardest part about being more enlightened, is not buying into the commercial and becoming deluded by the could be, or maybe its, when being enlightened is finding more about you, your <cite>existence</cite>, your feelings, what makes you feel more you. People will always find a purpose or belief ideas for those who do not decide for themselves. Being open minded is a very good thing, just not so much that your brain falls out. My personal ideas and advice are to live, and pursue what pleases you, and sharing that with those you care for and love. <cite>My personal experiences have shown me that it is common for human beings to be willing to give up living, and replace it with a search for meaning, and actually do neither. Good luck on your journey.</cite>
    <cite> </cite>


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