No longer interested in smoking...

Discussion in 'General' started by SamGoingHam, Feb 6, 2016.

  1. I don't know why, but I've seem to have lost my interest in smoking weed. This happened pretty recently. But before that I was smoking weed basically every day.

    I think it started when I decided that I needed to quit dipping tobacco. I didn't like how it made my gum line recede. So I decided to stop. Still getting urges to start up again, but I'm fine without it. I'm in a happier state without it. Only thing it gave me was a stress reliever and a euphoric lightheaded feeling. Only reason why I used it was because my work is a very stressful environment and everyone chews/smokes so I'm always surrounded by it.

    Anywho, after that I decided that I wanted to stop smoking weed as well. I don't know why, it just came all of a sudden. I dislike how it alters my mindset now(Used to like it but idk.) I like to feel myself now. Unchanged. I feel like smoking some nights after I come home from a stressful day at work, but when I do get home I completely lose that need for it. Instead I make some food, crack a beer, watch some Netflix, and call it a night. Tend to my plants as well.

    As I'm typing this on my phone right now, my roommates and a couple friends are smoking on the patio right now. The smoke smell lingering into my room. I find it to be repulsive. As I hear them coughing their lungs out, wondering why they continue to do it.

    I still enjoy observing it and smelling buds, but smoking wise nothing.

    Is something wrong? Has anyone on here ever felt this way? Perhaps it's just a small phase. Or don't reply at all. Just a nice way for me to vent my thoughts and feelings.
  2. I definitely cannot relate, but I guess because my situation isn't the same. I've been recently improving the way I smoke, for example I hardly smoke blunts anymore. Just the amount of tobacco in the cigarillo wrap hurts my lungs. If I do smoke one I can only take a couple hits before I put it down. But then again, I've been smoking cannabis for over a decade, and am in my early 20s, so yeah. But it's not just about getting high for me, and that's what brings me to my next point of interest...

    Have you tried vaping? I understand you said you don't like how the marijuana has been altering your mindset lately, and I perfectly understand, but I'm just referring back to you being repulsed by the lingering odor of the smoke. Maybe you've just become disgusted by the smoke and resin and tar; it does get nasty sometimes. Maybe if you tried vaping regularly instead, since it's much cleaner (and less harsh on the lungs!), you may see yourself wanting to smoke more often! Or vape, in this scenario. Idk! But I do understand what you're saying, homie! I just can't relate on a personal level because I've felt the same way about Mary Jane since day one. Every nug... the kief... each inhale, take the smoke in, all of it but not too much; hold it in for a second only to exhale partially through the nose... Hmm the pungency... then the rest through the mouth... Fresh breath of relief, with a gentle sigh... no coughing... then repeat. That's how my sessions go...

    Btw, if you don't mind me asking... how do you smoke, normally? The reason I also said I've been improving my smoke is because I just purchased a new percolator and literally the harshness from the smoke is non-existent. The smoothest piece I've ever smoked out of. The smoke itself even smells cleaner with every exhale. Lol.
  3. #3 Jane_Bellamont, Feb 6, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2016
    It really is up to you to decide what's best for you.

    Personally, for me .. I have a very no-strings-attached relationship with weed. I ran out of weed about a week ago, and I'm feeling fine without it. The other day I ran out of homebrew, and was too broke to buy booze.. but I was also fine without it, slept normally.. woke up normally.

    Once I harvest my next grow, I'll happily toke up some more.. and then when I run out, I'll happily wait until I harvest again. It's not a necessity for me, just a very special, sacred experience. Like I said, I'd rather have 1 good weed trip every month, than forcing myself to smoke it every day just out of habit, or because I have nothing better to do.

    My 2 cents.

    I know some people lack self-control, and have a rather all-or-nothing relationship with their drugs of choice. But just remember, there is always the third path called Moderation.

  4. Felt the same about 2year ago. So i turned to the vape. Never looked back. I also hate the smell of smoke now.

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  5. We all go through phases in our lives like that. Nothing wrong with it. We're all also wired differently. Some people can stay baked or days and function normally, some are fine without it for a while but still smoke, some are "meh", some find out after a while find it's just not their thing. It's all good.
  6. well one thing could be to change things about, such as vape, try a little break then see what you want to do from there
  7. that's normal, or certainly not abnormal...

    it may be your body detoxing for a various reason

  8. I gave up having a phone/paying a phone bill before I will give up weed. I'll give up food too for weed.
  9. That's awesome man, I for one, am not so quick to jump on the quitting train. But it's great that you're getting this feeling to quit even though you've been smoking a lot. I was the same way with unmentionables, one day I realised I was doing more harm than I was healing with said drug, so I kicked it to the curb.

    Finding something else to do to replace smoking works wonders. Especially for people like me that have always had a smoking routine or time. Netflix and beer is a good route. Not that alcohol is better, but a couple beers is most likely better for you than smoke
  10. #10 spliffington, Feb 6, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2016
    It's not at all weird to feel that way. Being sober is fine, being high is fine. It's just a matter of what you prefer.

    I'm giving up weed for Lent in a few days. It'll be a good chance for me to really get back in touch with myself/my spirituality.

  11. It happens. Some people smoke for years then one day they decide they don't want to smoke anymore. Try taking a break and see if that helps. If you truly lost your desire forever then :confused_2: that's life lol. Weed will always be around if you decide to change your mind.
  12. I've been down that road a couple times but I don't think I'll ever leave her again. After going 6+ months - 1 year without it and how much of a positive impact it had in my life when I was smoking really made me realize how much I loved this plant and to ignore any and all propaganda associated with it. It's just a plant. You make it what you make it.

  13. all up to you, if it doesn't help you and you don't enjoy it then there is no point in smoking.
  14. As long as I can function (and every few weeks take about a week off to build back tolerance) I PREFER to be high all the time.

    Stupid laws.

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  15. thats good. You should go with it. If anything you can cut back on your consumption.
    Quit if you can
  16. sometimes I go though cycles when the weed sucks or is the same I get bored of smoking.
    Sometimes I get sick and no.matter how much I smoke I can.not get a buzz.
  17. I applaud you OP .. im on that sober train myself ,been clean 4 weeks & i must admit i feel good .. now idk if i want this to be t-break or just quittin all together .. either way i know ive made a good decision .. instead of hittin the joints, blunts & bongs im now hittin the gym, the school books & the job scene .. i still love the smell tho but it doesnt tempt me or anything so theres another plus .. again Op cheers for kick'n the habit ..
  18. sounds like weed isn't for you. Enjoy life as usual.

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