60 goboof alfa?

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by jamesyboy, Feb 6, 2016.

  1. #1 jamesyboy, Feb 6, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2016
    Hello everyone, I have been looking into a few different vaporizers and the goboof alfa has caught my eye. I have been deciding whether or not to bite the bullet and pay the $200 that their website sells them for, but while looking for cheaper prices I stumbled upon what seems to be a clone of some sort?
    I was reading a conversation between two posters on a different vaporization forum and one poster decided to call up the production company. The company said that they have supplied for Goboof before and that they are selling the same product for $20 wholesale and $60 a unit! I am just curious to see if anyone else has looked into these products or even purchased one? Thanks!

  2. sorry to the mods of this forum but I may have broken a rule. I'm a new user and if needed I will remove the links.

  3. It's best to just keep it to a discussion and leave the links out...they could be looked at as free advertising.....
  4. The threads regarding
    Go to fuckcombustion .com ( no link) and check out a thread about counterfeit vapes.

    BTW I am under the impression that Goboff company works to keep the suggested retail price the actual price.

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