Best homemade sploof

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by connectionerror, Feb 3, 2016.

  1. So I made myself a bass mask bong a while back and I've always just had the filter part for the mask just laying around. What I ended up doing was cutting the bottom off a pill bottle and threading it on the filter. This is literally the best solo or I've ever had. It's a little bulky but literally no smoke or odor comes out of it.

    Attached Files:

  2. Or you could get a smoke buddy for like $7
  3. True, I just had this laying around
  4. Not knocking it. I'm sure it's amazing. :)
  5. Best ones I ever made were with a water bottle, burn few small holes into the bottom and cram with dryer sheets. Now I just go outside.
  6. But I totally see what you are saying cashewmilk. And yeah I've made those sploofs a few times, I can smoke in my house, this is just a fun idea I had haha
  7. Hhaa bloody genius, I remember doing something like that back in school, before school I dropped into the local hardware and grabbed a filter of sorts, we smoked in class with it, haha.
  8. dude I've done the same thing but with wet toilet paper in a school bathroom. The water and the paper caught the smoke pretty well and the bathroom smelled pretty okay after a little cologne.
  9. yo I commented on the wrong post :/ DONT SMOKE AND TYPE
  10. dude I've done the same thing but with wet toilet paper in a school bathroom. The water and the paper caught the smoke pretty well and the bathroom smelled pretty okay after a little cologne.

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