looking for some stoners to play ps4 w mic

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by jasonthetokerman, Jan 26, 2016.

  1. drop your psn under and ill add you, my psn is like kings99898 or kingss99898. looking to play some gta v or cod bo3
  2. you any good at BlOps3?

    what you play?

    given that it's relatively new, i don't play with anyone under a 1.00 k/d
  3. yeah just prestiged the first time, play hardcore tdm, hardcore kill confirmed, search and destroy. my k/d is fucked as i just started getting the hang of cod
  4. add me its imacrip69

  5. Add me my name is ChronicDreamz I'm pretty good at gta, and bo3

    *Budsmokers Only*

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