Solvent Question

Discussion in 'Concentrate Tools' started by DingDongDanks, Jan 25, 2016.

  1. My friend had a great harvest a few months ago and doesnt know what to do with the rest of his trim. He doesnt like edibles and hasnt really dabbled in dabbing. We cant buy everclear in our state and it would take a few weeks to get any but ive heard you can get solvent shipped to you through fedex as long as youre not drinking it or whatever. My question is if there is a difference between 190 proof culinary solvent vs Everclear? Do they evaporate differently or something? They both say grain alcohol so are they exactly the same?

  2. Looking at the info about culinary solvent, sounds like it's what it's made for :)

    190 proof grain alcohol (95% ABV ethanol). Food-safe, non-denatured for applications involving human consumption. Designed for botanical extractions, cannabis concentrates, natural remedy tinctures, DIY concentrated flavors, and homemade fragrances. Explicitly not for beverage-use, always adhere the laws where Culinary Solvent is used.
  3. Make bubble hash with it. No solvent required. And just know with such old material any kind of concentrate you make will come out like garbage.

  4. Cool. The nonbeverage part is what made me wonder if it was in the same realm. We'll probably try a small batch out. Thanks for the reply![​IMG]
  5. The non beverage part is probably to let them do internet sales
  6. Define garbage?

    I've made bho from 2+ month old trim that gets me just as high as fresh. Only issue you may get is color.

    I think it should be general consensus now that color =/= quality.
  7. I will say if you store it properly (freeze it after a proper dry) it can last months before it degrades. But if the material is not stored properly like just in a bag the material starts to degrade quickly. You loose flavor and the end material tends to have more plant mater in it so also equals a lesser high.

    I will say color doest equal quality because i have had garbage gold oil, but i have never had good dark oil either from me making it or from a dispensary.

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