Have you tried Artificial chicken?

Discussion in 'The Great Indoors' started by IfImoffpleasecorrect, Jan 24, 2016.

  1. noodles from DollarTree has artificial chicken that doesn't taste like chicken

    It smells great!

    What could they put in there?

  2. did they make an effort to make it not taste like chicken? Cause everything tastes like chicken...

    And I would not try any food that is artificial (when possible).
  3. cloned chickens from a certain fast food joint aren't too shabby if you don't mind the extra bump in steroids.
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  4. noodles from dollartree

    that's a sign if I ever saw one

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  5. when it comes to chickens I like large broiler and low fat. comes with steroids for free. halal chicken are great too don't mind they way they killed. halal is cheapest chicken for whatever reason
  6. Artificial chicken just sounds wrong alone. The most disturbing thing I've seen is a whole chicken in a can. Never bought one but....gawd. No fucking way.
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  7. Fake meat? That should be punishable by stoning!

    *grabs a lighter*....
  8. I would not eat grocery items from any dollar store personally
  9. But, but, but, you can't get stoned and destroy Dollar Store Pop-Tarts without Dollar Store Pop-Tarts!

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
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  10. like mcdonald nuggets?
  11. there no roids in chicken they haven estrogen to makes there breasts big that is breed in to then. arifical chicken is like tofu with other shit added to it

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