
Discussion in 'Politics' started by x5xxAlexanderxx5x, Jan 20, 2016.

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  1. I mean come on he's not even trying to hide it


  2. i thought Obama was our path out of the mess..
  3. Shills gonna shill
  4. #FeelTheBern bruh
  5. this is demonstratably false...

    Ill are I'f I can find the article about the doctor who was trying to get a clinic that could do heart bypass for 800$, though its been posted and referenced here numerous times.

    Healthcare is not competitive in America because like all super corperation lobies, Congress is paid to pass laws to protect the cartels

  6. #187 Organics1221, Jan 24, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2016
    statist don't understand the corporations will use the government to do their bidding like marijuana for example or a even better example industrial hemp what about ginesing I can't sell ginesing that I pickied wildly past dec 15 in my state wtf is that? That apparently makes me a criminal in the eyes of state. you bitch about health care s unfair no one is making you pay them (well until Obamacare aka state run health care which was set up by insurance company's ) how about you stop supporting the company die and let new business rise up
  7. I'm in.

    Free Stuff 2016....

    Hi my name is SmokinP and I'm calling you today to tell you about Bernie Sanders and check your penis size.

    Typed on the bottom of a plump cherub

  8. Ahhh did he microaggress you? Maybe you should declare this thread a safe space.
  9. I'm thinking of incorporating this strategy for your kingdom of tentafornia. Smokinp in his infinite wisdom and generosity is going to be giving you all a free tent and a hole in the ground to take a shit. By the way don't forget to pay your $100 a day tax.


  10. of course he doesn't have a chance..
    he isn't even running for president.


  11. His son and him are planning to run next election I believe though, Rand Paul. Bernie and Paul are friends I believe[​IMG]

  12. ron paul is going to be running in 2020 at age 84? can you show me where you read this?
  13. Bernie and Ron friends? They just sit around casually discussing economics over coffee?? Bullshit
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