Denmark Tells Bernie Sanders Its Had Enough Of His Socialist Slurs

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Deleted member 472633, Jan 20, 2016.

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    "he Danes apparently have grown
    weary of Sen. Bernie Sanders insulting their country. Denmark is not a
    socialist nation, says its prime minister. It has a "market economy."Sanders,
    the Democratic presidential candidate who calls himself a socialist,
    has used Denmark as the example of the socialist utopia he wants to
    create in America. During the Democrats' first debate last month, he
    said "we should look to countries like Denmark, like Sweden and Norway,
    and learn from what they have accomplished for their working people."
    appearing in New Hampshire in September, Sanders said that he had
    "talked to a guy from Denmark" who told him that in Denmark, "it is very
    hard to become very, very rich, but it's pretty hard to be very, very
    "And that makes a lot of sense to me."
    So because
    something makes sense to him, he has the right to force that system on
    people who don't want it? Isn't that what he's saying?
    But we
    digress. This is about Danes being offending by Sanders using the word
    "socialist" to describe their form of government. And who can blame
    them, especially when the free world has had enough of national
    socialists and Soviet socialists and North Korean socialists and Cuban
    While speaking at Harvard's Kennedy School of
    Government, the center-right Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen
    said he was aware "that some people in the U.S. associate the Nordic model with some sort of socialism."
    he said, "I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a
    socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy."

    Read More At Investor's Business Daily:

    I find this hilarious. No Denmark is not a socialist economy it is more ecomically free and capitalist then the United States. If you want an example of a socialist country look no further then Venezuala or North Korea. Sanders is so economically ignorant he doesn't even know what socialism is. Go home Bernie your perpetually drunk.

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  2. I'd hardly call those few morons "Denmark"
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  3. Bern!

    the prime minister who was democratically elected? Did you even read the op


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  4. How about we stop trying to make U.S. like Europe altogether? Obama loved the Sweden model and look how fucked they are. Let the U.S. be the U.S.
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  5. That is the one thing about Bernie that confuses me. His "brand" of socialism is not Socialism, but he insists on calling it that.
    A lot of his views are socialistic in the sense of society, but not politically traditional.
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  6. Considering when he grew up, I wouldn't be surprised if it's the product of the red scare. He thinks his policies are socialist because back then they were.

    His beliefs more allign with Social Democrats than Democratic Socialism
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  7. "Socialism" is the new fad with the entitled "gimme gimme" generation that wants everything for free because they are alive, deserve it simply because they breath air and because some people are better off than them (because of government regulation in the market and government protection and enabling of corporations).

    They call those who work hard and (rightly so) dodge taxes and work loopholes to get around government bullshit and thievery, a bunch of greedy bastards and feel entitled to their money.

    These kids want Bernies "socialism" without having the slightest clue about what socialism really is or is historical ramifications. It is just an infantile response to real life and facing the fact that mommy and daddy (the state in this case) can not provide for you your whole life and sometimes life isn't fair and cuddly.
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  8. Old Bernie Sanders wants an even bigger welfare state. I think young Bernie Sanders was a legit socialist from what little I've read he used to call for nationalization of industries. I guess he stuck with that label. It kind of reminds me of have democrats are referred to as liberal when they have little in common with liberal idealogy. Republicans essentially define themselves based off of democrats they are the opposite of what democrats are for or so they claim. Of course you only have to look at issues like foriegn policy or Obamacare/Romneycare. the national security state and more to see that there is very little difference between the two in reality. I think thats why Republican voters are so pissed, they've been getting lip service from establishment Republicans who essentially enact the same policies as democrats.So what are they going to do? Vote in a democrat by the name of Trump its hilarious and sad at the same time. Its too bad wake me up when its over Rand is running instead of Ron this election I think Ron would have had a much better chance then ever before.

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  9. How about we actually go ahead and try to improve america.

    Very ignorant post.
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  10. #10 JohnnyWeedSeed, Jan 20, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2016

    I couldn't agree more. Liberalism used to come from the root word liberty. Liberty for the people, against the government. Now liberal means complete liberty of the goverment to enact any and all laws they see fit as long as it is sugar coated in soft, sensitive, emotional rhetoric that tickles the feelers of the ill informed.

    Liberalism today, or neo liberalism as it should be rightly called, is a technicolor facade to cover and demonize liberty and glorify authoritarianism and anti individualist ideas.

    We could if we get rid of every politician in office including your god Bernie.
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  11. #11 x5xxAlexanderxx5x, Jan 20, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2016
    You are factually wrong on all counts.

    I am honestly in awh that on a marijuana forum there are still dumbasss who don't support Bernie Sanders.

    I guess there are politically ignorant weed smokers as well.
    You would think they would be more politically literate giving the fact we have had to fight government forever in order to enjoy our weed.

    All I know is that WHEN Bernie becomes president and actually DOES make major progress. I'm going to track you down and rub it in your willfully ignorant little face..
  12. Awww, I do admire your heart, no matter how misguided.

    Also, can we get the fucking edit fixed in this joint? It's only been years now, damn!
    • Like Like x 5
  13. more.empty.posts

    You gonna post anany supper your stance?

    • Like Like x 4
  14. ikr

    I even made a post about this edit issue with the android app on the bugs page and personally submitted.complaints to multiple mods

    A long long long time ago.

    No Money.iI'

  15. I don't think you'll find anyone saying Hillary is better than Bernie. Still thats not saying much. I'm voting third party this election myself.

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  16. #16 Vicious, Jan 21, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2016

    Burden of proof is yours. You throw around all these intellectual insults but I think you hold your esteem too high, especially after your failed echo chamber thread. I doubt you're half as smart as you think you are with these petty mistakes you're making. You're beefed up on delusions of grandeur and your Bernie kool-aid is too strong.

    Also, what Bernie facts should I be looking at? Him talking about gender pay gap as if it were real?

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  17. I'm surprised you vote. Never would have thought you did.
  18. You need to calm down buddy. It's easy to throw around names, it's much harder to back them up. I don't agree with everything he said but he brought up a lot of good points. If there's anything you disagree with state your reasons why and say what you specifically disagree with. This kind of post does not contribute anything to the conversation.
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  19. Hey look at that we agree on something. This thread is really turning into a shit show.
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  20. How does it feel to have grown up to become a shill?
    • Like Like x 1
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