Was Jesus Gay?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by SmokinP, Jan 18, 2016.

  1. Was Jesus gay?

    I am not sure if this has been discussed here before and whether he was gay, straight or bi is no big deal but it is interesting none the less particularly when it is bible bashers who oppose gay rights with a passion.

    Well lets look at some of the evidence-

    Jesus was an unmarried 30 something man when he got put on a cross. It would have been most unusual for a man of his age to be unmarried particularly a rabbi.

    Jesus did not seem to have had any girlfriends, Mary Magdalene was a friend and there is no evidence to show that she was anything more.

    Jesus hung out with a large gang of men - disciples and it is noted in the bible that he had a "special love" for John.

    So what do you think?

    Typed on the bottom of a plump cherub
  2. I'm pretty sure he was doing Mary Magdalene so I'd say no. There's no evidence that he wasn't in a relationship with her and much to point out that she had a special place with him among the disciples.
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  3. There is also no evidence to say that Jesus wasn't a talking rabbit.

    We can't really say Jesus was tapping Mary because it didn't say he wasn't. :)

    I get what you are saying though about it being strange that he had a relationship with Mary, maybe she was a fag hag?

    Typed on the bottom of a plump cherub
  4. Lol simply ebic, I like it, +1.
  5. Yep, we had butt sex once. It was awkward and he never called back so I went out with Satan instead [​IMG]

  6. Good God. 9182 posts. Now this.
  7. What's the problem?

    It's a valid topic for a thread in the religion section. If he was gay and this had been known since the early days of Christianity our gay brothers and sisters would not have had to endure centuries of abuse and torment at the hands of homophobic savages.

    Do you think he was gay? You forgot to say in your post.

    Typed on the bottom of a plump cherub
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  8. While Jesus did get nailed and hammered, it's not because he was of the gay. No Jesus is not gay. Hew as born from a women, how can he be gay?

  9. No, I don't think he was gay.
  10. Cool.

    I don't know whether he was gay or not but there is just as much chance of being gay as being straight. I guess unless he makes a comeback we will never know.

    There is a lot we don't know about Jesus's life, there is little known about his life up until he was 30.
    Who knows what he was up to?

    Typed on the bottom of a plump cherub
  11. Following Biblical logic and Judaism Jesus could not have been gay. He lived without sin (and the Bible says gay butt sex is sin). For His sacrifice to be valid he had to die pure and unblemished. His love for his disciples is what is called Agape which is considered the highest form of love. The love of man for God and the love of God for man. Brotherly love. Western culture has a hard time with understanding agape because of the hypermasculine role men are expected to play.

    it's not uncommon in many non-western cultures for men to show affection. Hugging, holding hands, kissing each other on the cheek or forehead, etc. People take a western or modern view and think it's gay behavior. Which it isn't.

    Not only was it highly unusual for a man to unmarried and called Rabbi. It wasn't done period. You could not attain that honorific unless you obey the Law of Moses and marriage is pretty high on the list. Also, it's a father's duty to make sure his son is married and Joseph was never called out on it. Remember I'm going by biblical logic not saying I subscribe to this.

    There is evidence in the Bible that Jesus was married and to Mary Magdelene (not to be confused with the adulteress that Jesus saved from stoning). When Jesus was "attending" a wedding his mother nagged him about the guests running out of wine. The wine at a wedding feast is the responsibility of the bridegroom. There was no other reason for Mary to ask her son to provide the wine. Mary Magdelene was the first person he revealed himself to after the resurrection.

    There is more evidence but I'm too tired to look it up and most of this is off the top of my head. Apologetics isn't my thing anyway.
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  12. Build a time machine and go ask him yourself? What are you asking us for none of us have been physically living for that long to know.

    Unless there's a vampire lurking around why even ask such a question lol.

  13. The speculation you provide isn't enough to convince me.

    He seemed to be more preoccupied with freeing the individual and having sovereignty over oneself than material and earthly desires.
  14. Duh. Why didn't i consider a time machine?

    Sill old me thinking this was a forum for discussion.

    Typed on the bottom of a plump cherub
  15. All very valid points my friend. I still think he could have been gay though, his hair and skin were too good for the time. :)

    I would love to see those bible bashing bigots choke on their bibles if it could be proven that J-dog liked the boys.

    There is a large part of his life we know jack shit about, up until he was 30 or so he seems to have gone off grid. Would make you wonder what he was up to?

    Typed on the bottom of a plump cherub
  16. The bible is stories handed down over the years that eventually made it on to paper.
    There is as much chance of him being gay as straight.

    I reckon he was a bit like how the bould Ronnie Kray -

    "Im a homeosexual but I'm a giver not a taker, I'm not a faggot".

    Jesus was all about giving after all.

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  17. How do you figure it is just as likely he was gay as straight?

    Just because there are two possibilities doesn't mean they are equally probable. That's like saying your chances of rolling a 3 on a dice is 50/50 because either you will or you won't roll a 3.
  18. We know very little about him, just the last few years of his life and they are told through the rose tinted specs of his fanatical followers.

    The fact that he wasn't married is telling imo. No kids either.

    Typed on the bottom of a plump cherub
  19. Jesus was a twink and Muhammad was a kiddie diddler.


  20. I bet they stroll around Heaven/Hell holding hands winking at all the boys.

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