Marijuana Farmers Association

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by Jspade508, Jan 14, 2016.

  1. I wanna start an association for pot farmers and stoners akike. Not just some club but something official that is recognized by our town. Our main mission and goal is to have the community realize that we are normal hard working Americans just like everybody else. I just need some ideas to get us off and running. Any ideas?
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  2. Toughest thing here is that most farmers would have to maintain complete anonymity due to their current situations. However, my idea or suggestion of an association would be as follows:

    The best way to gain immediate attention and combat the federal government is by open, mass, peaceful, and widespread civil disobedience. Very similar to the civil right movement for blacks in the 1960's. This would require the people to sacrifice everything. For people who have a very close relationship with marijuana, whether it is by consuming/growing or both, they may become motivated enough to practice civil disobedience. It would certainly garner lots of attention and if it was all done in the same name and a unified message, than major changes could happen. Like Martin Luther King was an excellent leader for the blacks, we would need an articulate, morally upstanding, and widely popular marijuana figure to head the movement. Someone like Wiz Khalifa would not be a good choice. Rappers aren't very articulate or relatable people. Willie Nelson and Ron Paul are a few that come to mind, but a primarily religious figure could serve well too. Martin Luther King was deeply religious, often discussing God in his speeches. We can make a similar Christian biblical argument, as it is hard for the Supreme Court to go against the 1st Amendment (the freedom of speech, religion, and expression). If you can help spread a following of people at the spiritual and religious level, which is very deep (deeper than political or social views), than you really are starting to have a movement that will be hard to control at the systematic level.
  3. There is already a group like that in effect. They are called the "Weed nerd nation" and you can chat with them on subcool420 you tube channel. They are a group of Northern cali farmers that are expanding to other parts of the USA. I hope this is what you are talking about. Google it.
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  4. What about bill clinton.. lol jk... but i never new bout the youtube .. a lil off topic but does anyone know whats goin on with the big state of T... one part of me says ya it woukd b great to have it legalized medicinally or rec.. the othe oart of ne says no it wont because it makes me wonder where in houston alot of very bad things go down .. i know that if it were legal the places have to have security cameras and all that but makes me wonder how many robberies woukd haopen and we have an open carry law[firearms] which is wonderful but also it woukd stop alot of the flow across the border but i think it could open the doors to the cartels and they would just use other ppl here to start farming and selling legally.. we had a buge bust here i guess over a year bac now where the landowner leased half his property to hunters, the other half to a cartel .. well one hunter went just a lil outside the hinting side and walked into what we all would love to see..just us citizen grown.. n legally.. sorry i got way off track .. 1st time ever using this and reallly was lookin for when texas may make a move

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