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Calculating Dosage (Guide)

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by DoctorDankenstein, Jan 6, 2016.

  1. #1 DoctorDankenstein, Jan 6, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 6, 2016
    Let's make some edibles!

    But first, you'll want to make sure you have a ballpark estimation of the THC content. This is NOT a full proof accurate measure, it's an estimation to give yourself some type of baseline, instead of going in completely clueless.

    1. Unless you're lucky enough to purchase your Cannabis from a store, you'll need to estimate the percentage of THC. This is likely going to range from 8%-20%, depending on the quality of your herb. Let's go with 12% for some reasonable-quality herb.

    2. Measure the amount of product going into your solvent (butter or oil). I'm going to use a half-oz (14g).

    3. Do the math. 14g x .12 = 1680mg. This is an estimated amount of THC going into the pot. It's unlikely that all of the THC is going to bind to the oil unless your cooking it for 4+ hours. Even then, some oil will be lost to the sides of the pot, bowls, pans, etc. You can adjust for waste or just use the number here. Again, this is just a rough estimate.

    4. Make your magic treats, and decide on how many individual servings you're going to cut them into. I made some brownies, and I'm cutting the pan into 12 individual servings.

    5. Do the math. 1680mg / 12 = 140 mg per brownie, max. More than likely, my brownies will only contain 100mg or less given errors in estimations and loss of product.

    Here's a guide for THC dosing. Good luck!

    <table><tbody><tr><td>Tolerance</td><td>User Experience</td><td>Suggested Dosage</td></tr><tr><td>Very Low Tolerance</td><td>Beginner</td><td>0-5 mg THC</td></tr><tr><td>Low Tolerance</td><td>Some Experience</td><td>6-10 mg THC</td></tr><tr><td>Medium Tolerance</td><td>Experienced</td><td>11-25 mg THC</td></tr><tr><td>High Tolerance</td><td>More Experienced</td><td>26-80 mg THC</td></tr><tr><td>Very High Tolerance</td><td>Expert</td><td>80+ mg THC</td></tr></tbody></table>

  2. is there any way to ensure that the infused prduct( oil or butter) is fully dispersed or is it pretty much like baking in general?
    I'm a baker by trade and wanting to dip my toe in the MIPS.
  3. First off i new to this site and to marijuana usage. I have smoked about 3 times in 5 years. Not very experienced. I made some cannabutter and some cookies out of it. Cookies look good but i am not sure if i should eat the whole cookie or just a part of now that i am looking at your math. First off I used the following. 58 Grams of Blueberry buds(not trim) which tested as ---THC 21.20% CBD 0.20% CBG 0.70%---. I also used 8 sticks of butter and put on low in a crockpot for 8 hours. Seperated butter and cut into 8 Pieces for 8 different batches of product. I used 1 stick of cannabutter for 7 cookies. So here is my math ( please check) 58Grams of bud X 21.20 = 12296mg. I divided that into 8 sticks of butter so that would be 12296/8=1537mg per stick. 1 Stick made 7 cookies. 1537 / 7 = 219.57mg per cookie. So basically if i ate the whole cookie i would feel like death. So basically i messed up and made them way to strong. I am just going to wait for someone to respond before i try them. Thanks.
  4. Everyone's body is different but based off your math id take half and see what happens, take the same edibles and give it to two different people, different results are bound to happen every time due to various factors (tolerance, metabolism, etc)
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