Smoking with Strep Throat

Discussion in 'General' started by collegeblazing, Dec 25, 2015.

  1. I've had strep throat for about a week now and today is my 5th day of taking antibiotics. My throat feels pretty much completely better, I'm just wondering if anyone knows if smoking a little today will make my throat hurt again or make the healing process take longer. I have another 5 days of antibiotics for reference. Any help is appreciated, thanks.

  2. I'm honestly not sure at all what it would do but my advice is to ride things out and just wait until you are better, just to be safe.
  3. Vape would be okay, maybe a hit or two but I'd be safe. Then again I'd also think it's Christmas and fuck logic
  4. it literally is 50/50 whether or not I smoke while ill...
  5. oof strep throat is terrible id wait before smoking wouldnt want to irritate your throat edibles would be best

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